Th f Aucust 25th, 1980 NS 8° Mad Hatter _A Douglas College Newslette DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY, CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF ADMINISTRATION IN EDUCATION Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia Vancouver,B.C. COURSE OFFERINGS IN 1980-81 RELATED TO POST-SECOMDARY EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION In 1980-81 the Centre will offer four courses in the administration of post-secondary education. Brief details are given below, to- gether with a note on eligibility for registration in the courses. EDUC 508 (section 012) (3 units): ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES AND BEHAVIOUR IN POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS. Instructor: Dr. J.H.M. Andrews : - Time/Place: Mondays, 7.00-10.00 p.m., SSOB Seminar Room The course draws upon organization theory and a variety of other sources. The prime criterion for the selection,-of material is utility for the administrator. Topics include: systems theory, decision- making, internal and external politics, communication, leadership and organizational change. Application to the special characteristics of colleges and universities is stressed. Students are expected to be familiar with either a college or a university and to have adminis- trative experience, even if only of minor scope. EDUC 559 (section 001) (1.1/2 units) :ADMINISTRATION OF POST SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS Instructor: Dr. J.H.A. Wallin Time/Place: 1T.B.A.(Tentative dates are Feb. 4-6 and March 11-13,1981) The course examines contemparary problems in the organization and ad- ministration of post-secondary institutions. It will be offered in two 3-day sessions separated by a one-month interval during which students carry out a research project. Topics in the 1980 course in- cluded: changing attitudes to post-secondary education and their consequences for finance and control, recent reforms, the problem of relevance, changing roles of post-secondary institutions, management and forecasting in the B.C. system. ae TO /)