Letter to the Editor Tre letter below was sent to Lorna Kirkham, Co- ordinator Community Social Service Worker, by Ruth Lund, a Student in the C.S.W. Prog., Ruth's letter speaks clearly of what she perceives to be a very discriminating college policy, When I came into the Community Social Service Worker Program in September, 1981, [ thought I knew how to write letters, memos, reports and other items of business communications. This assumption was based on the Norch American concept of success -- I had been paid a substan- tial salary for my ability to do so. I got my firse assignment back from Helen, my Communications Insctructor (COM 110) and had to face a shocking truch - 1 knew very little about communications. To accept this was the first step in learning for me. I am now learning what I call “The lielen Grodeland Method" - simple, streamlined and effective. 1 did not iiave the opportunity to learn "Tne Helen Grodeland Method" before - it was not available to me. Now Helen's method is being made unavailable to future studencs because she is being forced into ‘mandatory ege 65' retirement. T am concerned for the C.S.S5.W. students chat will follow this class. Communications for a Community Social Service Worker is a vital part of employment. LI have had the experience in my field work placemenc of doing an intake assessment and having the supervisor, woo was present ar the interview, comment 'Cood = it tells anyone exactly what the situation is'. The C.S.S.W. program needs Helen co help other students in future classes to reach chis understanding and abilicy co communicate in their reports, "exactly what the situation is'. Why is the Collesxe aliowing this to happen? Lo recice an tustructor of Helen's calibre without any provision for continuance of her special method is to deprive the C.S.$:W. grogram of a needed part of the learning that is imperative to wraduates of Lhe proyrim in obtaining and keeping their field. a job in I have always consilered Douglas College to be in touch with the studenc’s needs. At Douglas C-lleye - feel - am couside red. As a student my aveds and wants ure of prime ceneern. At Mouylas College, I Feel L can ciweose the courses that bese Till my pecds and wants for leares- ing. For me co explain "The Helen Grodeland Mechou" to sumeonme uot in the course, is very diffienle. [ will have che advanrage of completing one more semester (COM 290) with Holen aad then, perhaps T van explain. My classroom experiences include getting back assignments, shot full of holes. Peep holes, that allow the Light to shine through. The holes have the strong threads lefc intact and Helen's written comments are the bright mew throaads that I can use to reweave my efforts. IL am learning to recognize my own faults and shortcomings and co overcome them, ingrained as they may be. The important thing to me is, I am learning what I want and need to know - clear, concise communicacion. My own opinion of mandatory age 65 retirement policy is that, like the human sex act, when one anticipates and participates by free choice, ic is an experience chat has deep personal meaning. However, to be forced into retirement for reasons of age alone is cape - a violacion of the person. Our Provincial and Federal Governments are currently reviewing their policy of mandatory age 65 reriremenc. It is timely for Douglas College and its Faculty Asseciation co review existiny policy regarding 65 mandatory y } 8 ' retirement coo! Lec's net cuntinue this discriminating practise. Ruth Lund Studenc. MAD HATTER PAGE 6.- FISCAL YEAR:END FISCAL YEAR-END MARCH 31, 1981 In preparation for year-end we ask your cooperation in the following: A. Invoices Please return all approv- ed invoices to the Purchasing Department as promptly as possible. Should there be any quer- ies or inaccuracies on invoices, please call so that we are able to complete changes that will affect year-end figures. Request for Honoraria etc., Please have all requests for payments for service to be rendered prior to year-end, completed and forwarded to the Account- ing Dept., by MARCH 27, 1981. e Reports Please have all reports for expenses incurred prior to and including March 23, 1980, submitted for approval by MARCH 26. We also ask that all Deans, Campus Principals, Directors & Supervisors forward the approved expense reports to the Accounting Dept., for processing by MARCH 30. LATE SUBMISSIONS FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE MAY BE CHARGED AGAINST THE 1981/82 BUDGET