OEY BIERTUMPEL Way With Words, written by rank D. Gilroy and directed y Patti Harras, manages to ttract even the most resistant udience. There are only three charac- ers in this play,-but that does- 't render it boring, The char- cter of Louise plays an influential role on the men nd causes complications in heir friendships. The play hows a desperate attempt by rtie to get back together ith Louise. The actors were all superb nd acted without hesitating. rtie was, at times, hard to nderstand, but this seemed to e in keeping with his charac- er. [heir expressions were convincing. For instance, when Artie tells Fred about the sep- ration he had undergone, you can see the anger in Fred's facial expression. The stage crews were always yn cue, and the other mem- ers of this production must ave worked hard. The play is set in two locations, and nstead of opening and shut- ing curtains to change sets, he crew just set up both scenes and used spotlights to ‘ocus on a single scene. It orked very well. Everyone who left the play eemed pleased. There was even a small banquet after- wards. The theatre itself was in such a nice setting, that it all seemed like a beautiful fairytale. This play had more than one main event and that’s what made it so interesting. I recommend this come- dy to anyone who likes dark humour. For instance, the last comment that Artie makes stuck in my head. Fred tells him a story where he proposes to marry his ex-wife because she has a crush on Fred. Artie men- tiones that Fred has a nice way with words. The title of the play seems to have been well chosen. At the end of the play I was still wondering whether or not Artie lied about his new woman. It doesn’t mat- ter though, because it wasn’t the vital part in the play, it was just something else to question, and it led to a | more complete character analysis. This play was exquisite, and an extreme pleasure to watch. A Way With Words is pre- sented at the Deep Cove Shaw Theatre from May 20 to June 6 by the First Impressions Theatre co pany ig Min 10QR8 D>