INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 31, 1989 Congratulations to College Alumni, Students and Employees Dear Alumni & Staff: Congratulations. Your celebration of the 20th An- niversary of Douglas College and the first anniversary of the Douglas College Alumni Association marks two significant achievements. The many students who have benefitted from the College and at the same time contributed their time and talent to the student body are, indeed, a credit to our whole community. As well, the dedicated staff and Col- lege Board have shown leadership and innovation by creating a community based post secondary learning en- vironment which prides itself on remaining in touch with an ever changing world. Together, you have created years of accomplishment for which you should be very proud. On behaif of City Council and the citizens of New Westminster, | applaud your past and wish you all the best for a long and productive future. Sincerely, Betty Toporowski, Mayor New Westminster Dear Friends and Douglas College Alumni: I am pleased to send greetings tonight to all of you attending HOMECOMING 1989 and all of the celebra- tions surrounding the twentieth anniversary of Douglas College. Having recently attended my own twentieth anniversary secondary school reunion at Burnaby North, I can certainly share with you the sense of excite- ment, surprise and pride that you experience when meeting up with friends and colleagues from two decades ago! I hope that your evening is enjoyable for all and that all of the celebrations surrounding Douglas College's first twenty years will be a superb kickoff for the next twenty years! As well, let us all as friends of Douglas College recognize the profound importance of higher education to the future of our province and country and urge governments, both federal and provincial, to provide far more resources to the College to enable it to fulfill its mandate. All the best. Sincerely yours, Svend J. Robinson, MP Burnaby-Kingsway Douglas College, in its first 20 years, has had many students from my district of Coquitlam and has thus been a great influence in the community by providing educational opportunities that just were not being met prior thereto. It is my great pleasure to congratulate Douglas Col- lege on its first 20 years of operation and we look for- ward to the College establishing a facility in Coquitlam in the very near future. I would take this opportunity, as well, to wish you every success with the “Homecoming 1989" celebration and trust that the evening will evoke many happy memories for those in attendance. Yours truly, Louis Sekora, Mayor District of Coquitlam On behalf of the Burnaby Municipal Council, I con- gratulate Douglas College on its 20th Birthday and Douglas College Alumni Association on its first anniver- Douglas College is a fine educational institution, providing quality education for citizens of Burnaby. | hope everyone attending has an enjoyable day and eve- ning. Yours sincerely, William J. Copeland, Mayor District of Burnaby To: The Alumni, Faculty & Staff, Students, Board and Administration of Douglas College In the late 1960's a group of spirited farsighted citizens presented the idea of a community college for the north and south sides of the Fraser River. By referendum vote, the support of the people of eight communities for a new college was confirmed. In 1970 Douglas College was established and began its evolution which has resulted in two colleges, Kwantlen and Douglas, and an alumni of tens of thousands of people who have occupied the portables, converted schools and warehouses and an impressive new campus called Douglas College. As a former college trustee, the parent of two col- lege alumni and a strong advocate for accessible and af- fordable post secondary education for all who can benefit from it, | am proud to have the main campus of Douglas College in my riding. The community is most proud and appreciative of your growth and service to education between 1970 and 1990. Best wishes to all associated with Douglas College for the next 20 years as we span a millennium. Sincerely, Anita Hagen, M.L.A. (New Westminster) continued on page 6