Page four It’s all just politics! Let me out of here! For the first time in living memory a Social Credit government in B.C. makes a sane and rational decision that will benefit, the environment and what happens? The environmental groups get pissed off because the move is only temporary. Sure it’s only temporary, but how often do they get to fight an issue with MiniWac on their side? (At least for the time being.) The biggest problem with the seven year moratorium on uranium exploration and mining in B.C. is what happens when it’s over. Will the Socreds let the big mining companies run rampant over our wilderness in search of little glow rocks or will the environmentalsists convince the beaurocrats we really don’t wnt that to happen here. What SPEC, the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs and other years before renewing their fight against uranium mining, is get on the ball and start lobbying now. What Bill Bennett has done could be one of the most environmentaly sound decisions ever made in this province but what we really need is the sme sort of assurance for the future. Let’s énd uranium mining and exploration for once and for all in British Columbia. No money ~ So, the Student Society’s at it again. Now it’s not that they’re supposed to tell everyone everything that they are doing but there are cases when ae people deserve to hear what’s going on around them. Take last weeks Multi Campus Council meeting as an _ example. Two young women from the fashion desgin class showed up early (earlier than the meeting chairperson) to ask for some money for their fashion show. Not knowing what to expect when their high ranking student officials meet to discuss policy they were content to sit through the meeting unil their request was brought up by the chairperson. Sit through the meeting they did. For an hour and half they listened to the student society yawn their way through the meeting until it was officially adjourned. Stop, cried the lowly students. ‘‘What about our money?’’ they asked. Poor student they should have known better. The meeting didn’t have quorem, which is a minimam number of votes needed to make decisions. ; They would have to wait until next week before being able to ask for the money. It seems that being just ordinary students they didn’t know about quorem and how many votes were needed. ‘“‘Why weren’t we told at the beginning of the meeting?’’ the two students cried despondently. - ‘You didn’t ask.’’ The moral of the story is there is no moral to this story Sevenyearitch | concerned groups should do, rather than wait for seven - The Other Press March 3, 1980 - OFFICER... CAN YOUGET Giant killer rabbits with great big fangs had invaded Douglas College and the \editors of the Other Press were trying to decide whether to print the story and create widespread panic or suppress it and risk the possible deaths of DC students and certain members of the student council. “Kill Guzyk. it’’, ordered Rob Dan Hilborn. They paused, gazing out the window at a killer rabbit .|chasing down select mem- bers of the student council. “Hey Rob,’’ said Dan. “Why don’t. you do an article on swinging, single foxes in that new swinging, singles bar?’’ Rob was shocked. ‘‘Are you suggesting that |, Rob Guzyk, co-editor of the Other Press, go into a swinging, singles bar without first giving me the address2’’ ‘‘What’s the theme of the paper going to be this week MY GAT OUT = “Right on Rob’’, agreed: Serr h “Why, — yes replied Brenda. ‘‘They tell me that too, apparently it’s a favourite line of theirs.’’ Rob began to trim his toenails with an exacto knife and managed to wound himself —_ rather severely. they do, “Are you hurt?’’ asked - Brenda. “Not at all,’’ replied Rob picking his bloody entrails and various organs from the floor. ‘’But just to be safe | think I'll go to first aid and get a bandage put on this trifling wound.’’ He flung the entrails over his shoulder and stalked out ‘leaving a trail of blood and gore which went nicely with the furniture. Just then a certain member of the student council wandered _ in, chortling gleefully and cradling ten litres of an evil smelling liquid in his arms. ‘“‘The student council challenges you to a drinking contest’, he STUDS Perspectives CS J giant killer rabbits terror- izing the campus? One just kicked a student council member into a field of steaming parrot drop- pings.”’ “Filthy beggar s,’’ cursed Dave Smith. “Yes, they provoked the killer rabbits unmerci- fully,’’,. agreed Worthing- ton. Meanwhile, at the swinging single’s bar Rob Guzyk was talking to a swinging, single fox, accu- mulating relative data. “Did you know your eyes glisten like pools of parrot droppings on South .Amer- ican boulevards?’’ While this was going on the doctor was giving the blood sample results to Rob. “Your test shows 35% protein, 35% absulim, 25% sodium and 5% _ carbo- hydrates,’’ he said. “What? No blood?’ asked Rob. “Speaking of Rob,’’ said Dave King, back at. the office. What’s the gruesome looking object?’’ - so don’t expect one. a Dan?’’ asked Roy Tourney. chortled gleefully. ““Sex and drugs,’’ replied ‘“It looks like one of Rob’s Dan was well versed in the ~ kidneys,’’ answered Dan. (a Roy Tornay, Robert Gardiner, Tammie Mitchell. | Typesetter: Heather Jones | Press and a subscriber of Pacific News Service. estminster campus. Phone: 525-3830 or 525-3542. ' The Other Press is a member of Canadian University: The Other Press is a democratically-run, student mewspaper published under the auspices of The Other Publications Society every Monday. The news office if {Westmi at the rear of the cafeteria on the New. Dan. usiness manager: Dave S. Hayer; Ad manager: Aridtca “That’s the most Lloyd, Co-editors: Rob Guzyk, Dan Hilborn: Reporters: Rob Campbell, Brenda Gough. Other Staff: Dave King, J ridi- culous things I’ve ever heard,’’ exclaimed Roy. ‘‘Sex and drugs were the themes last week.’’ Over in the corner’ Rob Campbell was trying to convince Brenda Gough of the relative merits of free sex, “‘Have men ever told you your eyes glisten like pools of limped moonlight on the Parisienne boulevards?’’ arts of diplomacy. ““You heap of steaming, multi-coloured parrot droppings! You _ bloody- minded nit! You filthy- - beggared runner of bloody entrails! Hey, just kidding you old buckaroo, | love ya, get out of here.’’ After he left Pat Worth- ington walked in. “Hi guys. Hey, did you know that there’s a herd of He must have forgotten it.’’ ‘‘Shouldn’t we take it to him,’’ asked Dave. ““Naa, he’s got two,’’ Dan said. Hey! I’ve got an idea. Rob’s Scottish right? So, we'll prepare a surprize for him...’’ An hour later Campbell returned. “Hi group. Has anyone seen my other kidney?’’ ‘““Sure,’’ said Dan, ‘‘Have some haggis.”’ r P28. 80 TK ct Sie) aie ee ee pe Tl dew it