Survey, Safety Audit to address women’s concerns on campus Personal safety in and around college and university campuses is an issue across Can- ada, and the Women’s Centre at Douglas College wants to know what you think. To find out, they’re doing two things; the first is a Campus Safety Survey, to be re- leased sometime in September, while the second is a Safety Audit to be conducted possibly in October or November. "All anybody wants is to feel comfortable, and the survey will help us determine how safe people feel on campus," says Barbie Kelly-Derouin, a work-study student who is coordinating the survey. "We’re urging everyone to complete it, and hopefully we'll find out what safety concerns people have. It may help us identify where the problems are.” The Satety Audit is a technique that was developed and has been used successfully by police forces and communities in On- tario. Every area of the campus is examined to see if it reinforces a sense of safety, says Kelly-Derouin. "We're looking for areas that are overly concealed, where women might feel un- comfortable, where they wouldn’t be heard if they call for help. The goal is to improve the physical environment to re- duce opportunities for sexual harassments or sexual assault." Because the Safety Audit involves an ex- amination of every area of the College (in addition to surrounding city streets), de- partment heads have been asked to attend one of two meetings so that they can alert staff in advance and minimize disruption. The meetings are on September 7 and September 10 from noon-2pm in the Women’s Centre, Room 2720. For more information, call Barbie Kelly-Derouin at 527-5148. & Pinetree Way Update continued from page 1 facilities the City has planned for adjacent space. "It makes good sense to maximize facili- ties and playing fields. Possible areas to share could include daycare, food serv- ices, a recreation centre, building systems and site development," says College Bursar Peter Greenwood. "It’s not one joint facility like the Thomas Haney Centre. The intent is to develop separate facilities that complement and enhance each other." The new campus is scheduled to open in September 1996. "It’s going to be a busy September and Oc- tober," says Greenwood. "We’re moving ahead as quickly as possible to get maxi- mum input from user groups within a very tight timeline, and also to identify where the shared opportunities are with the Coquitlam School District and potentially the City of Coquitlam." Strong input from College user groups is vital to the design phase says Greenwood. "The intent is that most user groups will be department or discipline based, but there will also be some cross-College groups, such as a user group to deal with accessibility (for people with disabili- ties)." For more information about user groups, see your department head. A Integrated Curriculum continued from page 1 with students and faculty in other pro- @ grams, and provides increased transfer credit to university programs. The curriculum is particularly innovative in its approach to teaching and learning. Critical thinking skills and creativity are emphasized through a collaborative stu- dent-centred approach, says Miller. "The move to integrated curriculum is part of a provincial initiative that relates to a re- structuring of health and social services programs across British Columbia. Pro- grams vary in length, name and content. Employers and students were asking for more consistency as well as program con- tent that reflects the complexity of issues faced by practitioners." Concurrent with the new curriculum is the plan to award credit for previous work and life experience that relates to program ob- jectives. It’s not in place yet, but over the next year we will do development work in the assessment of prior learning which will allow people already working in the field to gain advanced standing,” says Miller. Miller wants to acknowledge the hard work of the Project Team under the direc- tion of Vickie Cammack, and the entire Department as well. "We want to thank the many members of the College and the external community for their advice and support. We’re bend- ing the edges and creating something new, but we couldn’t have done it without a lot of help from many people." & INside INformation INside Douglas College is published the first Tuesday of every month by the Public Information Office. The next is- sue will appear Tuesday, October 5. Deadline for submission for next issue Is noon Tuesday, September 21. Sub- missions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCIl format would be appreci- ated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are al- ways welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527- 5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4840 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 $s douglas college @