EXECUTIVE FOCUS President THE COMMONWEALTH OF LEARNING Commonwealth Heads of Government intend to create an institution for Commonwealth ration in distance education. It is proposed to establish an A, ncy for this pu , in the second half of 1988, to be called the Commonwealth of Learning, planning for which is now in its final phase. The objective of the Commonwealth of Learning is to promote human resource development through a sharing of Commonwealth distance education expenence and resources. The Agency will nave functions in the exchaage of information about distance ccucaticn, in staff training and institutional aevioprion: and in promoting the sharing of distance-education materials. This is a major initiative to which Heads of Government attach high importance. The President will be the executive head of the Agency, which will have the status of an international organisation and its peaceatien, in Vancouver, Canada. Reporting to a board of governors drawn from Commonwealth countries, the President will develop and oversee co-operative projects involving educational institutions in a network throughout the Commonweatth and will secure support from governments and ther sources for the expansion of this work. Candidates must be citizens of a Commonwealth country and are likely to be educational leaders of international stature who combine intemational experience, an understanding of the application of distance education in development, excellent inter-personal skills, and demonstrated ability in government relations, management and fund-raising. The successful candidate must have the energy, initiative and innovative ability to launch the new organisation. Emoluments will be comparable to those of heads of major eduational institutions in Canada, and would attract appropnate allowances for an overseas appointee. The initia] contract will be for five years. Persons who may wish to be considered for the post of President are invited to write in confidence, enclosing their CV and the names of three referees, marking the envelope “(Commonwealth of Learning”, to: The Commonwealth Secretary-General Marlborough House Pall Mall London SW1Y SHX Further information is available from Mr Peter R. C. Williams, Director, Education Programme, at the same address and be will be gled to respond to enquiries about the post. Applications or nominations should reach the Secretary-General by August 3], 1988