A DAILY DOSE OF REALITY During the fall semester of 1985, Bakersfield College hosted a conference featuring Dr. Tom Peters, co- author of In Search of Excellence and A Passion for Excellence. After Dr. Peters’ presentation, the Kern district administrators met to discuss ways to implement some of the practices described in Peters’ remarks. Our discussion group talked about implementing the idea currently in successful practice at Castle, Inc., a hospital supply company cited in A Passion for Excellence. Three mornings a week each executive at Castle finds a 5x7 yellow sheet of paper on his/her desk titled "Daily Dose of Reality." Listed on that sheet is (1) the name and phone number of a customer who bought a new piece of equipment and (2) the name and phone number of the person who uses the equipment. The objective is threefold: 1. to let their customers know they are important to them, 2. to uncover problems before they become major irritants, 3. to give management a daily reminder of where the real world is—with the customer and field representatives. The following is our modification of this idea. Once a month, District Data Processing provides Bakersfield College with a randomly selected list of ten (10) names of students, with phone numbers and class schedules. The Administrative Council has agreed to call each of these students and share the results with appropriate personnel on campus. Bakersfield College adopted Castle’s goals. They became: 1. to let the students know they are important to us, 2. to uncover problems before they become major irritants, 3. to give administrators a "daily" reminder of where the real world is—with our students and faculty. Many administrative jobs do not provide many opportunities for student contact. The "Daily Dose of Reality" provides administrators with opportunities to increase their contact with students. As well, administrators have the opportunity to get information firsthand from students and pass it along to the appropriate faculty members, counselors and staff. Of the more than 300 students contacted thus far, 99% of the responses are about positive experiences at Bakersfield College. In some cases, the opportunity to speak directly to a student about a specific problem has hastened its solution—as administrators can and do directly intervene. Must students are very surprised by the call, but appreciate the gesture. The "Daily Dose of Reality" has provided us with an effective staff development activity and student retention strategy in one! Frank Gornick Dean of Students For further information, contact the author at Bakersfield College, 1801 Panorama Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93305, (805) 395-4204. Suanne D. Roueche, Editor February 6, 1987, Vol. IX, No. 3 INNOVATION ABSTRACTS Is a publication of the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development, EDB 348, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, (512)471-7545. Subscriptions are available to nonconsortlum members for $35 per year. Funding In part by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and Sid W. Richardson Foundation, Issued weekly when classes are In session during fall and spring terms and once during the summer. © The University of Texas at Austin, 1986 Further duplication Is permitted only by MEMBER Institutions for thelr own personnel. ISSN 0199-106X