DOUGLAS COLLEGE — STATEMENT AND PROCEDURE ON CHEATING wn | i Statement ee Generally, cheating is understood to mean any dishonest or deceptive conduct or attempted conduct by which individuals or groups of individuals use unauthorized aids, assistance, materials and methods to illegitimately represent their academic work, training and standards as ather than they truly are. Douglas College in common with all academic institutions condemns any cheating or attempted cheating within its community. To enforce this condemnation the College will expect that any proven case of cheating or attempted cheating will be dealt with summarily and appropriately by the faculty and administration of the College within the guidelines of the following procedure. Procedure When a student has been found cheating or attempting to cheat, the faculty member(s) will take action which may include but is not limited to the following: 1. Assign a failing grade for the assignment, test, paper or analysis. 2. Assign a failing grade for the course. 3. Request the withdrawal of the student from the classroom, testing environment, laboratory, practicum placement, workshop or examination room. 4. Request the withdrawal of the student from the course. 5. Request the formal withdrawal of the student from the programme. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing the student may at any time wish to consult with a College counsellorand/or the Student Ombudsperson and may appeal any penalty imposed by the faculty member(s) as follows: 1. By appealing to the Principal of the campus upon which the course was taught or under whose jurisdiction the course falls, or by appealing to the discipline convenor or program coordinator. 2. Should this first appeal fail to achieve a resolution satisfactory to all parties then the student or faculty member may appeal to the College Admissions and Appeals Committee. The decision of this Committee will be final and binding. MAD HATTER DEADLINE Anyone who wants an article included in the weekly Tuesday edition of the Mad Hatter should submit it to the Bill Bell - Surrey Campus by the preceding Thursday. Articles should be kept short and please do not send in anonymous material. ROOM CHANGE Room change - Coquitlam 213 change to Coquitlam 209.