Pit URS DAY NO ON HO UR Boe. 2 TA DS NOVEMBER 7, 1974 #2 BAROQUE CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT “CECILIAN ENSEMBLE" NOVEMBER 14, 1974 = NOVEMBER 21, 1974 = S270 DEN T RE-€ DTA L ey Oe go RB GS Le aol RAY KIRKHAM, Trumpet NOVEMBER 28, 1974 = S.f UDEN T RG eg eos DECEMBER 5, 1974 as PLAN Oo RE CL Tt AG LESLIE JONES, Piano 12:30 p.m. Music Building NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS WORKSHOP ON APPRAISAL OF TEACHER PERFORMANCE with DR. J. MCNEIL, Professor of Education, U.C.L.A, The purpose of this workshop is to provide a program to assist participants to achieve the following objectives: Retcrences: MeNeil and Popham, ‘The Assessment of Teacher Competence,” Second Handbook of Research on Teach- ing, Robert Travers, ed., Rand McNally and Go, 19/3, r McNeil, Toward Accountable Teachers, Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1971, a) be able to state the advantages and disadvantages of current methods of appraising teachers be able to apply techniques for Improving current methods of ap- Praisal be able ta design an assessment and Improvement plan consistent with one’s local needs b ee 5 ws ee a roar ar ane andi acaresnnaeeneemeetona = Date and time: Friday, November 22, 74, 9am. Spm, 4 Location: Centre for Continuing Educa: tion Lounge Matetiils to be supplied to participants include tests, examples of current ap: proaches, simulation items, fee: $40.00 (Preregistration required by Tursday, November 19, 1974) Lunch provided (el EDUCATION EXTENSION, UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA a] ANYONE INTFRFSTFD IN ATTENDING SHOULD CONTACT DR. PORTER'S OFFTCE BY ¥RWURSDAY NOVEMBER 14, /