(A Reply To A Reply by Jim Sellers con't.) & (Thus, all faculty are subject to the “no evaluation/automatic renewal"/ ‘negative only" principle and system. And, new faculty will not get “ three-year contracts before “trouble spots" have had time to emerge.) b) Negotiate a new rationalized, democratized hiring porcess. c) Find out what happened to the Sellers/Mansfield faculty development motion. 26 September 74:ve SUBMISSIONS TO THE MAD HATTER; 1. MUST BE TYPED! 2. May be included if hand-written but only if the contrast is good. 3. Must be on WHITE stock with black ink. 4. Must be turned in to the admissions office in Surrey by noon each Thursday. 5. Need not be on any special form--anything on white stock not exceeding 8 1/2 "X11" is acceptable, fa: