VE&NCOUVER CHAMBER CHO'R Conductor- JON WASHBURN FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 29 January 1974 VANCCUVER CHAMBER CHOIR CELEBRATES INTERNATIONAL WIN The internationally acclaimed Vancouver Chamber Choir will celebrate its recenct winning of the B.B.C. choral competition with an Evening of Madrigals and wine and cheese, The party is scheduled for Friday, March lst at 8:30 P.m. in the Vancouver Opera Association Hall, 111 Dunsmuir, This will be a festive and informa: event. Since facilities ET a ES * A are limite+ ard catering . arrangement must be made, we urge you to : Purchase iicxets earlv, [hey are $6.00 for singles and $10.00 for : ' couples, There will not he a reduced price for students or old age | pensioners, Tickets a-e available from the Vancouver Ticket Centre, ' $30 Hamitton, 683-3255 and all Associated Outlets, : The happy chotrisrers wt}l stny several sets of Madrigals and during trtermiss fon pertods will mingle with the audtence to sample the Imported wine and cheese. The audtence will have an opportunity to meet and tslk with Vancouver Chamber Croir members in a relaxed and intimate atmosphere, 4 Macrigal zcverins with “one of the werld't: rear chnoirs™ i Fridav, March ist at &:35 Aes Ih the ViC.A. Halt; $11 Sunsmuir. Suv your tickets now at the Vancouve: Ticket Centre. Contact: Vouvlas lunstor 29GeB633/73 Ha B7GL i > yS™