Drinking Problem? Anonymous College Student, Op Contributor ow do you know when you H have a drinking problem? Is it after you’ve successfully driven home after umpteen coolers? After you’ve ditched your best friend, not met previous commitments, or just plain flaked-out all because of your drunken tirades? We live in a culture where drinking is encouraged by commercials, Super-Bowl Sundays, hockey games, concerts, and pub nights. I mean, what else is there to do on a Friday night? Alcohol does more than take the edge off things. It makes me relax. It frees my many inhibitions. I am me without it, and yet I am more openly me after a few drinks. But how do I know if I have a prob- lem? Ive been drinking since I was 15 years old. That’s 10+ years of drinking history. And as far as I can remember, I haven’t had a sober spell lasting more than a few months during that whole time. I drink more than a few at least every cou- ple of weeks. For a shyly sensitive person like me, drinking has been my refuge. ’m embar- rassed to even say it could be a problem. Because as far as I’ve been telling myself, the only drinkers with problems are those who drink every day. And besides, isn’t drinking part of the college experience? A few years ago, I went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with a friend of mine, not because I thought I was an alcoholic, but because I wanted to see what it was like and to learn where the line is between a problem and a good time. And because I’m pretty sure my dad is an alcoholic (that is if you consider drinking Tequila on the rocks every day a problem). Strangely enough, all the stories I heard there felt strangely familiar. Having a problem didn’t just mean booz- ing every day. I heard stories just like mine. Get drunk once every couple of weeks, dance your face off, say a few Continued on page 15 e NIGHTCLUE ROOM 4 WEDNESDAYS COLLEGE BREAK DV MY THURSDAYS THUMPIN DV MY FOREPLAY FRID TOP 4O HIP HO WITH THE JESTER: SLEEK AND SEX TOP GO RETRO WITH THE JESTER STUDIO Sd WEDNESDAYS $2 HIBALLS THURSDAYS 2 HIBALLS % SHOOTERS FRIDAYS $2 HIBALLS : SATURDAYS SPECIALS EVERY WEEK ROOM 2 EDNESDAYS DLLEGE BREAK DELIRIOUS DIS MV ¥ DELIRIOUS 604-525-1932 pecember § 1/2000