OP Wimmin's Supplement March 22, 1995 An open letter from a feminist by Laura Pottie How many times have I heard, “I think women should have equal rights but...”, or “I don’t agree with feminism because they’re all P man-haters.” Guess what! It’s a vicious, evil lie! 3 True, some feminists are lesbians, so : therefore they love women, but does that automatically make them hate men? Just because I don’t want to have sex with someone doesn’t mean I yearn for their death! If that were the case I’d have to spend an awful lot of - energy hating an awful lot of people - man I just don’t have time! When it.comes right down to it, although I can only speak for myself, I don’t think feminism is about hating the opposite sex, it’s about loving yourself and demanding your rights and the rights of your children. This is not to say that feminists aren’t angry, however. I personally am very angry. I’m angry at ignorance, starvation, violence, oppression, intolerance, lack of respect, and being called ‘dear’, ‘babe’, ‘honey’, ‘doll’, and F ‘little sweetie pie’. The image that feminists are “male-bashers”, however is nothing more than a media illusion created in an attempt to dismiss and discredit us as irrational and overly ; emotional. Beefs from anything but a _ back alley penis bashing butch Instead of looking at myths about femi- nism, let’s look at some facts, shall we? What are we asking for? Well first of all, as feminists, we do not want to abandon our children for careers, but we would like to have equal sharing of the work so that we can also have equal time to participate in society - is that so radical? Feminists have also been and continue to work towards equity in pay and representation in their chosen fields of work. What’s so unfair and man-hating about that? Someone please tell me! Threatening as a source of competition maybe, but not much scarier than that! Something else we’d all like to see is an end to violence against women. No one is denying the fact that rape and abuse happen to men, but the majority of these acts are perpetrated by men against women. I don’t want to get into the whole ball of wax about why and what social institutions allow this to continue. I’m simply stating that this is something that feminists are speaking out against. At what point did “no means no” start translating into “I hate you, you slimy bastard”? Am I missing something here? What else? Well, there is the language debate. This is something that is not a general consensus amongst feminists so I don’t want to present it as such, but many of us feel that we have been excluded from our language. Woman, mailman, history - frankly it pisses me off! I’m not a man, nor do I want to be referred to as an extension of one. Now, I know that to change this is a pain in the neck for some people, and to be totally honest I haven’t sat down and created the ultimate gender d friendly language either, but Fez you have to admit that if the F shoe was on the other foot, men wouldn’t particularly appreciate it either. C’est vrai, non? Well would you look at that! I’ve already : covered four major feminist“‘Beefs” and yet I fail to see any desire to rid the earth of any of its species, be they male or otherwise. Get the picture? If you want to disagree with us, go right ahead, but at least try to base your arguments on some facts! Feminism is not some evil, mysteri- ous group of butchy women who meet in back alleys to invent ways for life to exist without the penis. We are merely taking (not asking for) what’s rightfully ours - power, emancipation, safety. I mean really, can you blame us? Is or am I just a bitch? Despite medical opinion, Dia is proof by Dia Richardson I am a woman. I get PMS. Some so-called medical experts say there is no such thing. Regardless, once a month I still get PMS. It usually lasts about 24 hours. During this time I am just plain irritable. OK, I’m a bitch. This occurs about 7 days before the onset of my menses. So be warned. All those little irritating things that I do my best ignoring all month, I will tell you about when I’m PMSing. I never even realized how predictable my PMS can be. (How can I? I am totally unpre- dictable at that time). I was the only woman working in this office once. Within a few months the men knew when to tread lightly. Every fourth Wednesday I was treated with kid gloves. Then my hormones would level off and the men would go back to being jerks. When I get too irritable and emotional I try to channel my energy into something more constructive than an argument. It’s actually PMS exists when I do some of my best yard work. There is nothing so defenseless as a plant and they don’t talk back. Mind you, I was never asked my opinion on whether I wanted hormones surging through my body at various times of the month. It’s like Mother Nature is having a laugh at my ex- pense... “A little estrogen here, tee-hee, a little estrogén there, tee-hee-hee, and a whole lot here, Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!” The cycle continues month after month. First the PMS and then the blood. The only way to break the cycle is through menopause or pregnancy. Both of these alternatives also induce powerful hormone surges that can affect you stronger than PMS ever did. Pregnancy I know about, menopause I have the ultimate pleasure of waiting to experience. Right now, I am bitter. I have PMS and my arms are sore from pruning bushes. The next man who crosses my path had better watch his step. On the bright side, tomorrow I’ ll feel much better. In another 28 days, who knows? } Douglas College's Sexual and Personal Harassment Policy If you think you are being harassed, consult with a harassment advisor. All inquiries are strictly confidential. Advisors will review your options and the possible actions you may wish to take. Allegations of sexual and/or personal harassment will be taken seriously. The College is prepared to take action based on your needs. The following people are Harassment Advisors: Elizabeth Wilson 527-5148 (or local 5148) Steve Norris 527-5143 (or local 5143) Gary Tennant 527-5137 (or local 5137) Donna McGee 527-5147 (or local 5147) or 467-6811 Thanks to all those w; this wimmi Niki dice Lee, Rachel You e Holst, Holly Keye ison, Manjit Brar, ‘Mike Dutton, Mari ed create artin, Zeebo