A a association ot canadian community colleges association des colleges communautaires du canada 1750 Finch Avenue East, -Wiliowdaie, M2N 577 Ontario ‘Telephone (416) 491-5050, Telex 966659 September 26, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO: Chief Executive Officers Canadian Post-Secondary Non-Degree Granting Institutions FROM: Allan Goldenberg, Executive Director RE: COLLEGE CANADA !75 ; Jerry Lloyd of British Columbia Institute of Technology, the Chairman of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee of COLLEGE CANADA '75 has prepared a number of News Releases concerning various activities related to the Vancouver Conference. | Two of these are included with this memo and approximately four to six additional News Releases will follow in the next month. This office does not maintain a list of institutional officers or editors of "in-house" college publications, Could you therefore assist us by directing these News Releases to the appropriate individuals in your institution for possible inclusion in these publications. We are hoping that this will raise the visibility level of the activities of the Association with the Canadian college faculties. Your assistance in this area will be greatly appreciated. /re