Ne LEL Uglies JOP OUP SOUT CAS. SOLIDARITY FOREVER Chorus Rapier ren, | anes In our hands is placed a power Through the workers’ blood shall run Greater than their boarded gold; ea sid Le ere ty wid Greater than the might of armies, oan Magnified a thousana-fold. Yet what force on earth is weaker eS bring to birth i ceo uieeld Than the feeble strength of one? Fron the ashes of the old. panive Unsiek Anas BE SCOR For the Union makes us strong. [Chorus] Ch Solidarity forever! ne Solidarity forever! Solidarity forever! For the Union makes us strong. Is there aught we hold in common With the greedy parasite Who would lash us into serfdom SOLIDA And would crush us with bis might? [to the tune of Quarter Masters Store| Is there anything left to us = ; But to organize and fight? We were told, told, ‘‘put your plans on bold For the Union Makes us strong. By old Bill, by old Bill 5 We were told, told, ‘‘put your plans on ho Chorus While I dip into the till It is we who plowed the prairies; [Chorus] Bill’s eyes are dim Built the cities where they trade; He cannot see Dug the mines and built the workshops; We stand in solidarity Endless miles of railroad laid. We stand in solidarity Now we stand outcast and starving, ’ Midst the wonders we have id “Send back cash, cash’’ said he making a slash But the Uni ak strong. From the schools, from the schools ee 2 “Send back cash, cash’’ said be making a slash Chorus Breaking budgetary rules All the world that's owned by idle drones Chorus Is ours and ours alone We hock laid the wide foundations; So we stand, stand, together hand in band Built it skyward stone by stone. Saying no, saying no : It is ours, not to slave in, So we stand, stand, together hand in hand But to master and to own, Dealing budget cuts a blow. While the Union makes us strong. Chorus Chorus We will fight, fight, fight with all our might They have taken untold millions For OUT CAUSE, for our esr . That they never toiled to earn We will fight, fight, fight with all our might But without our brain and muscle Exposing Bill's schemes, tragic flaws Not a single wheel can turn. We can break their haughty power; Chorus Gain our freedom when we learn That the Union makes us strong. Protect our rights, rights, not lowering our sights Because of Bill, because of Bill Protect our rights, rights, not lowering our sights We’ve found the way we've got the will Page 3 wg Welbene to the wonderful world of... R B Darr LAST NIGHT. Wap TERVIGLE AS vam aS wind WHAT WAS. \r @eouT? 1 was DREamMIWG THAT THe FATHERS OF iw WERE PravinG sett A enou? OF FaxcisTs. DD THE COMMUNISTS win f NO, THEY LosT TERRE’ = WA PLO VV Tl MOuKED hie | VORKED IN THE BUSINESS we sing goods | WORLD AND SAW ENOUGH OF: ve ©. | BACKSTABBING TO DOME. ' While the telephone rang and it jumped off the wall SJ So long, it’s been good to know you SO LONG, IT’S BEEN GOOD TO KNOW Y oe mao LIFE, [originally by Woody Guthrie] While the telephone rang and it jumped off the wall It was Bill Bennett paying a call He said ‘‘look at the state that our coal deals are in There has to be cutbacks in education [Chorus] So long it’s been good to know you “ai So long, it’s been good to know you x B tclea So long, it’s been good to know you "en TO You may be intending to stay for some years COLLECE But you'd better be drifting along. eet ania It was Bill VanderZalm making a call He said “‘look at the state that our morals are in Small classes are causing an increase in sin.”’ So long it’s been good to know you So long, it’s been good to know you There’s not enough of you in there right now, So you'd better be drifting along BUT | DIDN'T ESCAPE IT. | JUST ENTEREDA WORLD WHERE ALL THE While the telephone rang and it jumped off the wall) BACASTABBERS ARE It was the College Board making a call They said‘‘look at the state our budget is in We have to start cutting you’re where we begin”’ So long it’s been good to know you So long it’s been good to know you So long it’s been good to know you You may have paid you’re tuition but please, You’d better be drifting along SEE While the doorbell rang, and it jumped off the wall SO IN THE END,! | Twas an old Socred canvasser paying a call ‘Suen