The Other Press e Jan 20, 1986 page 11 SKINNY PUPPY [Second indeceod.. ant Music Festival] New York Theatre, Dec. 26/85 In the strange, bizarre mixed-up world of depresso-pop headlines a band named Skinny Puppy is a band on their way to independant fame. Black outfits, fog, lights, slides and ' other gadgets adorn their stage, with Nivek Ogre (lead vocals) administer- ing the electronic-depressed dooms- day sound to an unresponsive au- dience of around four hundred punk poseurs. At 9:30 exactly, atter a_ terrible performance by Nepenthe, the two keyboardist of SP arrived through the coloured fog to their stations and started the intro to Assimilate, with Nivek making his stunning stage debut in the fashionable white straight-jacket. He waited at his voice synthesizer for his cue and pressed a few buttons, causing the concert to officially start with lights flashing, smoke, movies and slides. Then all of the sudden, Nivek trots off stage with his band members and returns after a few minutes to ask if the machine will work this time times s The poseurs stood. motionless through Social Deception and Dead Lines without a sound until The Choke came on. Then they decided it was alright to move their heads from side to side and wave their hands above their heads to the hypnotizing machine drum beats. At 11:00, all was through and done, and we left one by one to catch the bus home by 1:00. A modern, im- pressive, high-tech show that enter- tained for a mere !8. Muy brilliant. Skinny Puppy and Nepenthe played as part of the Second Annual In- dependant Music Festival held on Dec. 26, 27 and 28 at the New York Theatre. Other acts included Grapes Of Wrath, Slow, Brilliant Orange and Poisoned. a e i Vaue Leet Me SKieuvy ParPy PHOTe LC aT MBS PLACE. (i HAT & Goot Eke - by RICHARD a e 0? 6. time. oe @ @ e a ‘*, Alling cm HE sete ® _ e OF fac? >? ~_—- om * Z AND MEN misiae : Ce on (exec ss pa wah K Jackson Davies stars in this Van- ““Nio, Lenny. | don’t wancha to. * couver playhouse production of John 9.K. 2” oe Steinbeck’s classic. A little different character than we’re used to seeing Jackson play - this is, in fact, the first dramatic role he has. played in years. You'll remember him as the constable from The Beachcombers and, of course, on Constable Constable. Of Mice and Men is the incredibly eloquent. and touching masterpiece created by John Steinbeck. It is a story about the love and friendship that two men can have for one another. In this case, the sweet give and take friendship between a tall, brooding and retarded giant known as Lenny, and the small, shrewd, ever- thinking George. Often it happens that George be- comes impatient and bothered by Lenny’s ignorance and stupidity. He yells at Lenny, saying: didn’ have you around, | 4 ith himself, says you don’t want leave. | could go s, George, and wouldn’t bother ya and, and, and | want you to ay.”’ et could go, George. | could if ya want me to.’ It is also a story of the dreams that d at men have. George and Lenny’s dream bites are aime is to get a stake and then a little piece ae cma that ¢ ee of land with their own cows and the depresse and the worl e x chickens and, of course, rabbits which things are ef ne or 1g a CAS Sener Lenny would get to tend if he was The two a ; ee 1 of ies sc good. (Lenny loved to pet anything extra tracks drum see Fake soft and smooth). dance Pro ee r noises tha bi Their dream was to ‘‘live off the disgusting vu tallowe en albums. sie fatta’ the land and have their own them per (an ep) contains My place’’ and have the ‘‘ thick Remission tracks tha’ te a you’d have to cut it with a knife’ and techno-PUM™ Such as eae oie ‘“s9 to the circus anytime you want, Ss Sank . Beast. Si ai, without having to ask anybody. Just and alled Glass eis getting up and going.’ ains a sor n Side two . e Steinbeck also wrote this play to be which re-aP preaker re-appe read and it is available in novel form. +. Also, as esd There is also a movie of it, starring the jul ane of tes Se, a Robert Blake. The ' 46) This production also includes such ack an attack (the Oo ss ree ve well-known B.C. stars as Robert dance hit is adiines 2" Cloutier (Relic on the Beachcombers) along wit and Ralph Cole (from Ain’t Mis- the all. 3 cagikd 337° behavin’ "as | a6 | was cteaniy enveloped by this “To are on aren't for oo a show and enjoyed it immensely. In Bites an y Only the ™ - Skinny fact, | found myself in tears twice and ev en enioy: Think during the show. This incredibly Cul moving piece of theatre does not. deserve to be missed. =~ @ by ALLAN ery & . ~~