INVITATION TO FALL 1987 GRADUATION Everyone is cordially invited to attend the Fall 1987 Graduation Ceremony to be held in the Upper Cafeteria, October 8, 1987 at 1930 hours. Faculty and staff wishing to at- tend the ceremony should go directly to the cafeteria. There will be no processional for this grad. Asmall reception, honouring the graduates, will be held in the Upper Cafeteria at the end of the program. This reception is hosted by the Student Society. Please note that the Upper Cafeteria will be closed at 1600 hours to all faculty, staff and stu- dents on October 8. The Lower Cafeteria will be in operation on this date. ATHLETICS & INTRAMURALS The following athletes are to be congratulated on making the var- sity team at UBC after completing three years at Douglas College: Blake Bevan - Men’s Volleyball Brent Henderson - Men’s Bas- ketball Kathleen Knight - Women’s Basketball Daryl Pretzer - Hockey We hope to continue sending athletes to the universities who are athletically as well as academically competent. ATTENTION ALL FACULTY Please forward copies of all course assignments and reading lists to me in the Library, so they can be kept together at the Infor- mation Desk for easy access by students and staff. Thank you. Susan Ashcroft, Circulation Librarian ALL DEPARTMENTS The Modern Languages dis- cipline has opened its conversa- tion sessions for second-year university French to all employees at Douglas. These are non-programmed con- versation hours led by one of our language assistants from Quebec, Pierre Robichaud. If you speak some French and want to keep it up and improve it, come and join us, bring your lunch and enjoy an hour of informal con- versation in French. The choices are: Wednesday, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Room 3600C or Thursday, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Room 3603 or Thursday, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Room 3603. Sabine Mabardi REMINDER TO COMMERCE & BUSINESS ADMIN FACULTY You are all invited to attenda wine and cheese get together, hosted by the Co-op Office, on Wednesday, October 14th from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. in the Lower Cafeteria. The primary purpose of this ses- sion is to provide a forum for Co- op faculty advisors to "compare notes" with one another and myself, to assist with planning fu- ture development of the program. Faculty who have not participated directly, but are interested in learn- ing more about Co-op, will find this a useful information session. Hope to see you there! Barbara Franck ACTING DEAN/ACADEMICS I will be out of the province from September 25 to October 16, 1987 inclusive. During that period Brian Marrs easiness —_ will be Acting Dean, Academics. Gordon Gilgan ALL MEMBERS, B.C.G.E.U. LOCAL 59 Please accept my sincere thanks for the lovely flowers and bottle of wine. Your kindness and good wishes are greatly appreciated. Also, please accept my thanks for your support during my . various terms of office. Best wishes, Marian Exmann POSTAL STRIKE In the event of a general postal strike, all claim forms should be submitted directly to Personnel who will ensure that they are for- warded to Great-West Life. As soon as the strike ends, all claim forms should be mailed directly to Great-West Life, as before. If a rotating strike is to occur, the procedure will remain unchanged. All claims will continue to be mailed through Canada Post. APPLE Il+ OR lle? Help! Does anyone have an Apple Computer (II+ or Ie) with a modem and CPM based com- munications software? If you do and would be willing to help me with a project, please call. Penny Swanson, local 3104 UPPER CAFETERIA CLOSURE On Thursday, October 8, 1987 the | Upper Cafeteria will be closed at 4:00 p.m. to allow time for Gradua- tion set up. The Lower Cafeteria will remain open until 9:00 p.m. Devona Davies