MAD HATTER 14 Information about this activity was sent to all college presidents early in January. If you cannot get to the Conference, please request that the Faculty Professional Development Office sign up for the Teleconference. If you live within driving distance of Hamilton, you might also consider purchasing a ticket ($20. per seat) for just Dr. de Bono's presentation; tickets available from the Conference Office. Poster Sessions One of the criticisms of past ACCC Conferences was that there was no mechanism for delegates to find other participants with a mutual interest in a topic that may not fit with the conference theme or that might be too specialized for a large group session. Thus we have developed Poster Sessions. Poster Sessions will provide all registrants with an opportunity to interact, network and share ideas, projects, topics and interest areas at ACCC Conference '87. The Poster Session will be held during the breakfast and lunch hours in self-contained spaces. Each delegate presenting a Poster Session will advertise his or her session by displaying a poster on the centrally located notice board. If you are planning to attend ACCC Conference '87 and are interested in presenting a Poster Session, please contact your College's Information Officer for a copy of the Preliminary Program whch contains a registration form or the ACCC ‘Conference '87 Office (416) 575-2128 for more information. Plenary Sessions, Major Seminars and Small Group Discussions Of course every conference has it speakers, moderators and panel members. At the time of writing we are offering more that 100 sessions of all sizes over the course of 3 days; there will be more than 125 speakers from. business, colleges, universities, and unions presenting these sessions. Some topics that may be of particular interest to faculty members will include: College Labour Relations in an Entrepreneurial Society Andre Blais, Federation des CEGEPS Michael Skolnik, Professor, OISE Community College: An Appropriate Environment for the Development of Entrepreneurial Characteristics? Yvan Gasse, Director, Centre for Small Business, Laval University The Student: Participant or Product? Manon Gagnon, President, Canadian College Student Association Literacy Across the Curriculum Linda Shohet, Dawson College and Barry Lazoruk, Fairview College College Education: The Private Sector Approach Don Shaw, Shaw Colleges New Canadians and Entrepreneurial Dreams R. M. Watson and A. Wong, Vancouver Community College