MAD HATTER 4 PARABLE OF THE STUDENT FOR THE EXAMINATION SEASON "And it came to pass early in the morning of the last day of the semester there arose a multitude smiting their books and wailing, and there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth, for the day of judgment was at hand and they were sore afraid. For they had left undone those things which they ought not to have done. And there was no help for them. "And there were many abiding in their rooms who had kept watch over their books all night, but it naught availed. And some, there were who arose peacefully for they had prepared for themselves the way and made straight the path of knowledge. And these wise ones were known to some as the burners of the midnight oil, but by others they were called curve spoilers. "And the multitude arose and ate a hearty breakfast and they came to the appointed place and their hearts were heavy within them. And they had come to pass, but some to pass out. "And some of them repented of their riotous living and bemoaned their fate, but they had not a prayer. And at the last hour there came among them one known as the instructor, he of the diabolical smile, and passed papers among them and went on his way. "And many and varied were the answers that were given for some of his teaching had fallen among the fallows, while stil others had fallen among fertile minds and still others had fallen flat. "And some there were who wrote for an hour. Others wrote for two, but some turned away sorrowful. And when they had finished, |hey gathered up their belongings and went quietly away, each in his own direction and cach one vowing to himself in this manner: (continued) ' shall nol pass this way again.’ Il is a long road that has no turning." (Anonymous submission) COLLEGE-WIDE WINE & CHEESE PARTY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1985. 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. ROYAL AVENUE SITE - LOWER CAFETERIA HOSTED BY: COLLEGE SENIOR ADMINISTRATION Please come and enjoy an opportunity to mingle with friends and colleagues, and to salute the season, and each other, with a glass of wine and some ‘munchies’. DRAGONFLY DISPLAY Dragonflies are a fascinating part of life in a marsh. You can see the variety among British Columbia dragonflies and learn about their biological adaptations by visiting the B.C. Provincial Museum display in the Display Room 3417. The exhibit shows the life of a dragonfly, from egg to adult, on 20 free standing panels through 60 magnificent full colour photos. in addition to the photographs, there are 18 mounted dragonfly specimens illustrating the variety of species found in British Columbia. The exhibit is on display until January 3, 1986. For further information about the exhibit, contact Val Schaefer at local 3904 or Adrienne Peacock at local 3907.