NEIL OA TEI LATE NS TIEN F8 ad Hatter Douglas College Newslette ~ » Monday, January 28, 1980 MATHEMATICS ASSESSMENT TEST The following motion was passed by Management Committee 79-04-17: "That the Mathematics Assessment Test be compulsory for all students registering for the first time in the following Mathematics courses at Douglas College:' MA102 MA120 ea MA103 MA150 DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY MA112 MA250 oo Bh The following Policy Statement was approved by Management Committee on 79-12-18 and by the College Board 80-01-17: ‘Students in self- paced, continuous~intake Vocational Programs at Douglas College are expected to regularly attend classes, to be punctual, and to demonstrate a reasonable rate of progress. Following due process, the college may dismiss a student if he/she fails to meet requirements.' Suetrolies ¢ Marilyn Smith MICROCOMPUTER ARRIVES! An Apple microcomputer is housed in study room A in the Surrey Library. Instruction manuals are available, including a self-teaching manual for those who have never used a computer before. Ask at the circulation office dutch door for the manuals and the key. Please feel free to come in and experiment. sates’ ¢ Janice Friesen LECTURE SERIES AT THE) SURREY CAMPUS . Third Lecture - Monday, February 11, 4:30 p.m., Room $418 (Boardroom) - "Language, Thought, Reality". Lecturer: | Howard Eaton, Literature ‘Discipline. SURREY CAMPUS MEETING Surrey Campus Meeting will be held Monday, February 4, 1980, room 407 AB, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Agenda: 4:00 - 4:15 p.m., Refreshments and Liba- tions; Explanation of Copyright Law, Mr. Mark Dwor, Copyright Lawyer. ( SRSe cies and Answer Period. es a" i