DOUGLAS STUDENTS’ UNION Local 18 — Canadian Federation of Students Students’ Union Elections polls r open until -riday March 13 12pm — i) — c ——— = ee ie An Mas De aN iO] aa | New Westminster IMPROVEMENTS fs jestnons b oycists Total ee Palas - nyo ny is eS fey residents & 20,000 > nica ri Siskin ly a dec deta WN 4 creatine a REPLACING fs oO 30% MORE CEE OA baer MORE | with a new 4-Ione bridge thot ilacd dea De eae sar S UPGRADES MU geo uate ean & provides a safe crossing TO MAJOR “igs ; eria8 [cath h 6 howe ee ia cles Including Royal Ave, McBride Blvd, Br unet te Ave. 10th Ave. Boyd St& sents le Sav BUILDING A Tai TU Mee eed CARS souti oF THE FRASER oviding more capacity, increased Expanding the regional fr Seay he ation improvements. rapid transit network to era em hm -SLOR aie i6 residents & commuters Seay comdors & stations FOR BETTER TRANSIT