t Other Editorials & Opinions EDITORIAL Here come the holidays-Christmas, Chanukah, Winter Solstice, Yule, Kawanza, Khushali, and others. Everyone raised in North America is familiar with Christmas, or rather it’s commercial sibling X-mas. They are twins except Christmas is derived from Christ Mass and is actually supposed to be a spiritual holiday. X-mas on the other hand is all about greed and has little to do with spirituality-unless you worship money. Chanukah is a Jewish holiday and is very spiritual and is tied to the Hebrew’s original flight from the Pharaoh. In a Capitalist and Judeo-Christian dominated culture, such as Canada, such information is hardly a revelation. However, how many people know when the Solstice is, what day the Yule falls upon and how it is celebrated by pagans such as Witches and Druids. How much do you know about Kawanza or Kushali ? Do you know who celebrates these holidays, what they mean and when they take place? The answer sadly is most people in Canada are oblivious to the rites of winter practiced by others unless it is (a) highly marketable (b) part of the dominant culture (c) their own. The sad part is a highly marketed dominant culture’s representation of the holidays has not just led to a situation where people are indifferent and unaware of other’s traditions but where some people are indifferent and unaware of their own. Such people crowd gift shops enmeshed in one cultures holiday rituals and oblivious to their own. Ironically even those who celebrate X-mas are oblivious to their culture’s true winter rites of spirituality. Green and Red have different meanings now. Green is the color of money and God help the business proprietor who can’t stay out of the red. This holiday season give yourself a gift. Overcome any ignorance or apathy you or others may have and no matter how you + Happy Holidays from the Other — a douglas college's autonomous student newspaper - since 1976 EB “e “9 Pap December 10, 1992 TheOther Press is Douglas College'sautonomous studentnewspaper since 1976. ; Being autonomous means neither the Douglas College Students’ Society or the College administration can tell the Other Press what to print. Only you, the students, can decide what goes in the paper by helping out. It means that if someone doesn't like us, they can't shut your voice down for telling the truth. Wereceive our funding froma student levy collected from you every semester at registration, and also from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press, a cooperative of almost 50 student bb 0 i from across Canada. We adhere to CUP's Statment of Common Principles and Code of Ethics. The Other Press reserves the right not to publish anything sexist, racist, homophobic, or against the principles of good taste. Letters received by the Other Press should be a maximum of 300 words, t y and contain the name, program of study, and student number of the writer (although the latter canbe withheld upon request). The Other Press reserves the right to edit for space constraints. And double-check your pene and : letters are printed uncorrected. The collective is final arbiter of disputes. PHONE - 525-3542 FAX - 527-5095. Staff This Issue Tara dared to deface the altar dedicated to Johnny Rotten and dream of Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder, while Angela Chiotakos lied to her parents in Hawaii and s the ever-d Byrun Stedmann. Christopher MacLaren Angus Adair tackled potato’s (or is that potatoe’s?) and historical ignorance. David Whale tried to blend in with the furniture, but ended up eating food any ways. Dawn and Sherie tangoed till they puked on Haroon Khan, who was admiring the lovely airspace between the X cap that Bill Vander Zalm was wearing. Darren “Smiley” continued his steady evolution into Elvis and Nadine Handley found herself transm: into Elanor Roosevelt in a sari. Gord Belecand Marion Drakos shrank themselves and took a holiday into the sub- atomic world, while a jealous, love- torn Sean Veley cried on Wacked- Man’s two dimensional shoulder. Elaine Leong taught Brook Johnston how to write poetry, while Brook played cricket in the office tor. Tim Crumley played tennis with Mr. and Mrs. Brainsample, _ | then had b! for tea. Lynn Weinman sauntered slyly into the office and left lazily with Big and a bayonet. Mark Foster and TJ. Halmosi the metaphysical values of Dizzy Gillespie, and the ethics of grokking. Toni Jones juggled the massive abstractions that threa' to destroy the office ina wave of mutilation, ruining Adrienne Merlo and Imtiaz Popat’s chance to surf indoors. Coordinators vacant advertising -tara and byrunstedmann arts & review + christopher maclaren features «greg holtz graphics -gordbelec news tim crumley office -nadine handley photos -angela chiotakos production « elaine leong sports « mark foster editorials & opinion « marion drakosclassifieds «steven sodistribution hat an sos the Other Press bane rym,’ Ee r) Cue ey Other Letters Male Genitals Nothing to Brag About To the Other Press: Thisisinresponseto thearticleabout David Irving. Something that the author Gord Belec wrotemademeso thatI wascompletely distracted from the rest of his poorly written, grammatically erroneousarticle. He wrote that Canada’s Immigration Department “finally grew balls, (no gender bias intended).” This writer must be truly a moron to say something completely sexist, then turn around and instruct the reader not to takeit that way. Isheimplying that everyone in the Immigration Department is male? How dare he? Given the violent legacy of the white male order which includes David Irving , (whom Gord Belec is obviously opposed) attributing the department with OVUM becomes more fitting, doesn’t it? This writer must be truly a moron... What a depressing commentary when an article such as this appears ightbeside letters writtenby women pleading tobe taken seriously and be undervalued by society. Bravoto the letter by Karen Rempel and shame on Gord Belec, and the Other Press staff who allowed this to be printed. Atleast David Irving comes rightout with his bigotry and stu; Pane people we should really id of are the ones who quietly ‘ee racism and sexism but claim to be politically correct. And for all the men out there: Stop attributing strengthand courage to yourgenitals. Given your violent past, you really have nothing to brag about. _ Anne Connolly, University Transfer student President Full of Self-Pitying Verbal Garbage Dear Other Press, Iam writing in response to the front page story in the November 13, 1992 issue of the Other Press. I am really disgusted with the comments that Jerome Bouvier reportedly made which amount to nothing more than self-pitying verbal garbage. I am disappointed that the Other Press would consider printing the actual language that he used. I do suppose that doing so ae everyone a much better idea of what kind of person Mr. Bouvier might be. Is he the kind of person that we students would wish to represent us? For my part I would have to say notothat question. The kind of comments that this representative made reflects badly upon his image and shows a lack of professionalism. I think everybody should realize that a person has to be careful when they say something, especially with the media exposure that covers public office positions. Jerome Bouvier seems unwilling to accept that by holding the position thathedoes thatheis accountable for his actions in both his job and any personal matters that affect his position. JustbecauseJerome Bouvier is president does not mean that he is better thananyoneelse whichis what his attitude s ts. If he has a genuine lem with Karm Sidhu then he should deal with it in a more mature manner than mouthing off about the guy. It is about time that the D.C.CS. and the people in that group are to be held accountable for every action. they take. For example, Iwonderaboutthatso-called election that was held just awhile ago. Bein, a new student, I did not know who any of the candidates were. To my knowledge there was no debate, no campaign speeches, no poster outlining the intention of candidates and I never saw someone going around introducing themselves to people. When I saw someone watching a pouing station, I asked him about the election and the candidates, and even he had no idea about it! Now what kind of election process is that? Sincerely, Patrick Longworth Don't Bully the Security Guards Dear Other Press: Iam writing in response to the front page story in the November 13th issue of the Other Press. I am rather shocked and disappointed at Charles Parker's irresponsible behavior. Is Charles Parker the kind of person that we students would wish to represent us? For my part I would havetosay notothatquestion. Maybe Charles Parker is right about being harassed by the security guard and maybe not. The factis that security is here to protect the property on behalf tbo eee students as well. Being a security guard myself, I do have a biased ee but the fact is that people often give security a hard time when they are simply doing their job. Security work can be the most thankless of jobs. People often go out of their way to make trouble because they feel they have the right to harass the “big bad security guard.” Regardless of who caused the situation, I hope that Charles will use his better judgment in the future and notcome to school while drunk. Itis obvious the D.C.CS. has got to be more accountable to the students of Douglas College. The little that] have heard about the D.C.C.S. has been negativeand I wonder if they are not concerned about how the students & perceive them. Perhaps the D.C.CS, t do itself some good to make available to the students in a forum todiscuss the general purpose for their existence asa body as well as toanswer any concerns thatstudents have. Sincerely, Patrick Longsworth mil I