Page 6 The Other Press [The Utter Mess (uo October 28th ) x MANAGING IN DIFFICULT TIMES of t ‘ {) ay ¢ Agi! Coviae ztzain'!) This v mates 2 Niokirs Mi row! | \ ‘iy Sorry Aw | I /M Vs oe Tarprrow he 2 eenomg wil Wnpvovee. 7 i nen we tum nave he wivie ish! eo -_ And In Sudbury: "for a while we were surviving on macaroni and tomato juice’ WRB Yes FRIDAY ViodT ar THE MVIGIUE pacTORY... ra neu. tamTne ie / 7 AS trees & / geen / god ed ool / ao avot for / apprecaation do | } Wee “ord with / womans We { - ot : a | I j yaa regarding { f . MAE O44 Cn, \ rik n° ie j ame ff present tree, human, - LZ” WE MNaice snag, go i ee Pa?. | L- Dd. Keanans. I vf = We roid bind, |) f j 3 F PG ! 2 i NEspoh Load fi dar: bee CAUSE atte United Shakes avo ed ow" Aromic bomi onit! | ' Neath Cestruct- “T believe in Canada. But I also be- lieve in North America and 1am glad to see our southern neighbors, under (U.S. President Ronald) Reagan’s leader- ship, take the measures that are neces- sary and go undeniably in the direction of common sense.” med > Worselis ca on, anihilationlit ean ae millions Sta a fee childven die i forest Fives , { ana fire piaces.7 A [wi & 45 many are mowed down | for "eran Deve}