Vitamin C use among young people is on the rise. Thats right folks, we’ve got trouble right -here in North America. Thats trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with V and that stands for Vitamin C. In Florida last week, three juveniles who had started doing vitamin C at the breakfast table were caught going through an orange grove just south of Orlando in search of a fix. The dirty little bastards were taken to a Vitamin C detox center in Ft. Lauderdale. This same One drawback of attending this-clinic is that the three youths will never be given .the chance to become productive homosexuals. (Something to do with the water.) Increase consumption of vitamin C has been indicated center was the one used to cure Anita Bryant. by the steady rise in Tang sales as reported by General Foods. This excessive use of the dangerous vitamin has many undesirable long term effects, not only to the individual addict, but to the economy as well. » There are even little children who are exposed to this vitamin every morning at the breakfast table. A good _ percentage of these children are even forced to take it before-they go to school. : For the real hard core vitamin users they have Vitamin C in tablet form. \When they don’t get their kicks from just vitamin C anymore, they move on to harder vitamins such as D, E, and B complex. Some people even get into ‘‘iron’’ and taking all their vitamins in one tablet. The vitamin has been shown to promote good health and has been proven useful in the warding off of colds. This prolonged good health is extremely dangerous to a person’s mental well being since the monotony that it brings about also lends itself to extreme apathetic attitude on the part of the addict. Economic difficulties arise when doctors are forced to: increase fees due to a drop in patients. This means that the market is over run with doctors who have nothing to do and so they must charge exorbitant rates for ‘‘wart burning” in order to make enough to pay green fees for six days a week instead. of four days. lf we don’t stop this unrestricted use of Vitamin C, soon we will never be able to stop since our whole \_ economy will become C based. April 8, 1980 ay Press, smoothed back his neatly combed hair and contemplated his feature story, ‘Religion in Douglas College.’ He turned to his fellow __ co-editor, Stan Stillborn who was _ busy reading the bible for news stories.. ; ““Excuse me Danny-boy,’’ said Rob. ‘But would you be so kind as to give me your honest opinion on this feature article | am writing ?”’ “Jimmy Crikets!’’ ex- claimed Stan. ‘‘I wish you would refrain from inter- rupting me when | am reading the good book.’’ . “‘Gosh Dan,’’ admonished Mikey, ‘‘Your profanity is getting terrible as of late. | ‘would remind you | have a picture of my dear mother in my wallet.’ “Tam sorry Mikey,’ apoligized Stan. ‘’I will try to be more carefull in the future.’’ “Say fellows,’’ said Ely Popadopilus. ‘’Af ter we finish here why don’t we go to Rob’s for cups. of steaming hot cocoa? Or perhaps to Pop’s for a soda.’’ ‘Fine Ely,’’. said Rob. ‘‘But no cocoa for me; you know what I’m like when I’ve had a few.’’ | think I’Il stick to milk and cookies.” ““Not your mother’s world famous chocolate-chip cookies?’ ‘asked Stan. ‘The very same,’’ smiled Rob. “Yum, Yum! staff. “‘l_am_ sorry,’ said the , responded secular festivities as | have a date tonight.’ “You do?’’ asked Rob. ‘‘Where did you meet your charming date.’’ “At a church explained Mikey. ‘‘We’re going to a Walt Disney movie, then to Pop’s for a malted, then I'll take her home promptly at nin o’clock.’’ . ; “Sounds like you have a swell commented Worthless. “Tell me, will you shake hands?’’ Mikey blushed. “Of course not! Not on the first date.’’ “Do | hear wedding bells?’’ asked Brenda innocently. “Yes Mikey, she seems like the type of girl a fellow would like to take to the alter,’’ commented Dan. ““Gee whizilkers fellows,’’ blushed Mikey, scuffing the floor with his shoe, “You're embarassing me to pieces.’’ Just then the President of Douglas College, Less Breast, came into the Other Press office. ‘’Hello my good friends, | just want to congratulate you on the fine job you upstanding, young red-blooded Canadian boys are doing on the News- paper. We’re all very proud of you.’’’ Rob was touched by this earnest, well-deserved praise. ‘Thank you. very much Less. We always try to do our best to print. factual, clear, informative news-stories.’’ sa “8 San social,’’ ' evening planned,’’ — The Other Mess Rob the Gee, Gee, Mikey. ‘‘But | will be “| know that Robert,’’ co-editor of the Other unable to partake in the answered Less with a smile. ‘‘That’s why The Other Press is looked upon in such high regard around the campus.’’ With a lat friendly wave Breast de- parted. “Gee fellows!’’ exclaimed Pat Worthless. ‘‘Isn’t Less Breast just one of the best people you could ever want to meet?’’ “Salt of the earth,” declared Stan fervently. “And isn’t that Heaven Pearlygates a fine fellow?’’ asked Ely. “Fine fellow. . Fine, fine fellow! declared the staff. “And isn’t that Caroline Steinstone a fine fellow?’ asked Mikey. ‘Fine fellow! Fine, fine, fellow! A real Christian women!’’ “And isn’t that Ted Syringe a fine, fine fellow?’’ asked Brenda Cough. : “Teddy! Fine fellow! Just a swell guy!’’ ‘Just a wonderful per- | son!’’ declared Rob. “And isn’t that Rod Beggarman a fine fellow?’ asked Worthless. : «|... fine....fellow....’” “And isn’t the Onion a fine paper?’ asked Ely. ““No,”’ said Rob. The rest of the staff turned to him in horror. Rob went berserker. “No it isn’t! And those scum aren’t fine fellows! And | hate cocoa! | drink beer! And plenty of it! Like this! And | don’t write garbage like that! 1 write garbage like this! Get away from me!’’ 2