Welcome Nicaraguans! Pat Davitt from the Euphonious Feminists performed during the reception held May 31, for visiting Nicaraguans Roberta Madriz and Emilia Ruiz, who will be at Douglas College until August. Did you know? The total number of registered students for the Summer ’93 semester is 3082 (782 full-time, 2300 part-time) up 89 students from Summer ’92 and 1061 more students than in the Summer of 1990. (Source - eo 1993 Registration Report) Demand for Douglas College Fall 1993 courses continues to build. As of June 30, the Registrar’s Office had already proc- essed and accepted over 2000 more applicants than by September of last year. A Briefs continued from page 3 and share the cost of commuting. Vanpool- ers ride to work in new, power equipped, air-conditioned, 8-seat minivans with ABS brakes. The van picks you up at your door and takes you to your workplace. This is not a bus; one of the commuters drives the van and keeps it to use evenings and weekends and pays no fare. To register to carpool or vanpool or for more informa- tion call 925-9596 (Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows commuters contact Lynne at 527- 5051 or 463-3748). & Info-Session continued from page 1 and industry want and see as needs in post secondary education. For example, there are greater pressures for training in trades, while liberal education and critical thinking are still considered important. "Many people say, ’Yes, I would like university transfer, but I want a job when I’m finished”, she said. As well as the traditional mix of programs, the following were identified as potential new areas: Fine Arts, Environmental Studies, Engineering Technologies, Transportation and Communications, Industrial Production, and Hospitality and Personal Service. Citing the President’s Commission Report, Gordon noted that the major themes of the new campus include comprehensiveness, the pursuit of partnerships with other institutions and with business, and an emphasis on accessibility. At this time, major potential partners include the City of Coquitlam and the Coquitlam School District. Any savings generated from sharing recreational or other facilities could then be re-invested into the campus. Discussions continue, and Jim Doerr feels there is a good chance of success. "Its just too good an idea to pass up" he noted. Question Period Following the presentations by Bill Day, Jim Doerr and Mia Gordon, the floor was open for questions. We've summarized some of them here for information. Will we be sharing a library with the high school? — No, there is no joint library proposed. What about the problem with parking? Public Transit? — A cooperative arrangement be- tween the City, School District and the College should solve the parking problem and we're hoping to get more bus connections. Will there be a task force on staffing? —No. Programs and Services destined for the new campus will be decided on the advice of the Programs and Services Committee. Presently, plans on how staff will be allotted have not been firmed up. Will there be a safety audit of the architectural drawings? — Yes, there will be audits on both safety, and on access for persons with disabilities. a