The ‘Other News Real Nigerian prince warns consumers of scam email danger By Liam Britten ze Nri Enweledna II Obidiegwu Onyeso, current prince of the Kingdom of Nri in Nigeria, is warning Internet users of all stripes to beware of scammers claiming to be him in order to bilk thousands of dollars illegally. In a press conference held in the Nigerian capityal of Abuja, Prince Onyeso warned that scammers most commonly will send potential victims unsolicited emails asking for large amounts of money and said that consumers must not send money as they request. “The scammers will try and lie, tell lies, and they will make up vile lies using my own name,” he said. “They say that if you send them cash that you will be rewarded greatly from my vast personal fortune. This is obviously a lie, as all true and honest people know that if they want to share in my fortune, they must send cash in envelopes addressed to my palace in Lagos. That address, by the way, is 1000 Royal Boulevard.” Prince Onyeso said that scammers will use all kinds of tactics to earn 10 er Tever re OO a a victim’s trust, including flattery, nonspecific information and outright lies. “The reason I want people to know about this is because I consider you all to be so trustworthy and wise. Indeed, if there were any people who were deserving of some of my large fortune, it would be you,” he said. “I cannot reveal the exact amount of money that I would like to give to such kind-hearted people as yourselves, as you see the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has forbidden public disclosure of accounts built up under the pretence of section 41 of the 1982 Taxation Act. However, anyone who hears these comments can secure a share by sending me a wire transfer of money to establish a suitable bank account for international transfers.” In a follow-up telephone interview with Prince Onyeso, The Other Press was told that His Highness has been imprisoned by corrupt customs officials and needs money wired to Nigeria to pay for a bribe. As soon as the money sent by The Other Press is received and His Highness is released, we will publish a transcript of an exclusive interview he has promised us. SUNDAYS $51.29 CORONA - $$2-°9 CUERVO a | ae a COUNTRY CA