DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES CENTRE FOR POLICY STUDIES IN EDUCATION THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA WOMEN AND EDUCATION CONFERENCE June 12 - 14, 1986 University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia The Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia will host a conference on Women and Education, from June 12 - 14, 1986. Researchers from education, sociology, history, psychology and economics will address the issue of gender inequality in education. The focus is on the situation in Canada, but an international group of experts will be present. The conference is limited to fifty people to provide speakers and participants with a format for exchanging ideas and generating discussion. Registration is $80.00 (includes two lunches), ($40.00 for graduate students/unemployed). For further information contact: Jo-Ann Hannah, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 125. Phone: (604) 228-2158; or 228-5266. FACULTY OF EDUCATION 2125 MAIN MALL VANCOUVER B.C. V6T 1Z5 (604) 228-2593