Ceowerhdes minastres de Pideation Cainer) Corie tot Minister ot fdive toons! benerd if tee Communique hg October 18, 1985 All Personnel: This report has now arrived. Copies have been provided to Deans/Bursar/Directors/Chairmen, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE and EPPCO. W.L. Day October '85 PROVINCIAL MINISTERS ISSUE .:EPORT ESTABLISHING PRIORITIES FOR POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION IN CANADA The Ministers responsible for education today released a Ministerial Statement on the challenges faced by postsecondary education and manpower training programs as a result of changing economic circumstances. The 15-page statement was made public in conjunction with National Universities Week by the Honourable Jean-Pierre Ouellet, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. "The statement", said Mr. Ouellet, "stems from the Ministers' concern that our country's postsecondary institutions be able to make the changes required to respond to new economic circumstances." Mr. Quellet made particular reference to a number of key priorities which the provinces have established and which will govern the course of postsecondary education over the next few years. These priorities are as follows: - to ensure that the postsecondary education sector can continue as a key contributing force for economic and social development ; - to ensure that institutions are provided with a stable basis of funding; - to ensure there is a solid basis for research and development activities in postsecondary institutions; 1)? bloor West Sule 5-200, Toronto, Gari ASS [Va Telephone edit