Auditors Seal Extraordinary Resolution INSPECTION COMMITTEES Siw" 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 ce LIBRARY DOUGLAS Cite" ARG rh vid : Page 7 The Executive Committee may invest the funds of the Society in any savings account, term deposit, or savings certificate in a bank chartered by the Government of Canada, or in a Trust Company incor- porated in the Province: of British Columbia, ‘or in securities of the Government cf Canada or of ‘the Province of British Columbia... Notwithstanding Article 5.1, the Society shall not borrow money, contract a debt, or otherwise enter into agreements except by majority vote of the members. Two auditors shall be elected from the Voting Members at the Regular Meeting in October each year ta examine the books of the Association and the Treasurer's financial statement prior to its presen- tation at the next Armuat General Meeting. The auditors shall repert the results of the audit at the Annual General Meeting. The Society may, by resolution, adopt. a Common Seal which shail remain in the custody of the Secretary and shall be used solely in documents concerned with agreements approved under Article 5.3. An extraordinary resolution is one requiring passage by a two-thirds majority of the Voting Members, present and voting, at any neeting of the Society for which the Notice specities the intention to propose the resolution as an ertracrdinary resolution. The books and records ef the Society shall be made available for inspection by the Membership at the Annual Geneval Meeting. The following stenting commictoes shall be appointed from the Full Members by the Executive Committec two weeks after the Annual General Meeting: The Recreational Committee which shall plan, organize, and manage the Society's social and sports activities The Working Conditions Committee which shall maintain and develop the interests of the Members in this field. Its special area of interest shall include the negotiation with College Council regarding salaries and benerits te faculty, status, tenure, and other conditions of service. The Committee on Tensions, Croup insurance and Health Services which shall maintain and develop the interests of Members in these fields. 222.