Have an idea for a story? Let us know! Contact: Elliot Chan, Opinions Editor Mopinions@theotherpress.ca Sport/Schmort: Yoga » The spirit of sport, or of schmort? Natalie Serafini A Editor-in-Chief eel editor is @theotherpress.ca YY entails meditation, and gently pushing your body to its fullest potential. The practice possesses a rich history originating in India, and is ingrained in many different cultures. It’s been lauded for its health benefits, whether yogis are in need physically, mentally, or spiritually. Yoga comes in a variety of forms, including Ashtanga, Hatha, Raja, the more Westernized versions of power and hot yoga, and others. The yoga flows will vary between practices, and some will be more meditation-based than others. Essentially though, yoga involves stretching and holding many different poses in a given session, and often ends with a meditation. That’s all well and good, but does yoga also have the potential to be a sport? Or is its gentle, schmort? First off, sports are often lauded for their mental elements—yoga has that in spades. In sports, we talk about : not getting psyched out, and lots: : of athletes have practices that help : : them get mentally prepared for : : agame. That might include not : shaving during playoff season, : wearing a lucky medallion of : some sort, or any other habit. : During a competition, there are : so many different things that can : get in the way of performance, : so it’s important that players stay : focussed on the matter at hand. In yoga, it takes great mental : fortitude to push your body in : : ways it has never bent or stretched ! : before. You have to stay focussed} : on every muscle in your body as : you hold Adho Mukha Vrksasana : (basically a handstand), lest you : fall flailing into the person beside : you. It takes work to align your : chakras, to focus on self-kindness : and bring positive energy to the : world around you. Yoga also possesses the : physical elements that sports : are so known for. It’s no surprise : that gymnasts and dancers often : practice yoga, or that, as Michael : Huie of USAHockeyMagazine. : com reports, “Yoga is becoming soothing nature the definition of a. : More accepted as part of an : athlete’s training.” The practice : incorporates both strength and : flexibility, so it complements : most sports in addition to being a : workout on its own. Yoga might incorporate both : physical and mental aspects of : sport, but what about all that : incense? And where's some good : old-fashioned competition to : spice things up? In 2009, New York Magazine : covered the seventh annual : Yoga Asana Competition with a : YouTube video titled “Inside the : Vicious World of Competitive : Yoga.” The video was clearly a : touch tongue-in-cheek, as the (¥Y The truth about makeup (¥Y What is the ‘right’ religion? (Y Faceless Day And more! i aapaire Ee ee ee : narrator opened with, “Inner : peace and spirituality can suck it, : as these vicious yogis and yoginis : smack down head to head to : see who'll kick the most, major, : was not at all a smackdown, : oradirect competition with : anyone—no fists were thrown, no : chataranga butt was kicked. : Nevertheless, it goes to : show that competition is not just Image from Alexandra Hahn Photography : about kicking someone else’s : ass. Sometimes—in sport, yoga, : and in life—it’s about having the : mental, physical, and spiritual : fortitude to bring your best to the : chataranga butt.” The competition : mat. Athleticism is about pushing : yourself to its utmost capacity; not : only does yoga do that ina holistic : way, it helps athletes in other : fields to work on their spirituality, : mentality, and physicality. Verdict: Sport. Equal separation » Why pro sports should go co-ed Adam Tatelman Staff Writer ’m the last person you'd expect to cry institutionalized sexism, yet when I look at the world of professional sport, I find it glaringly obvious that the sexes are not treated equally. Rather than allowing male and female Olympians to compete together, their competitions are segregated. This to me is evidence of an actual inequality, as opposed to an accusation of intangible discrimination. The Olympic Charter (Chapter 1, Rule 2.7) states the role of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is “to encourage and support the promotion of women in sport at all levels and in all structures with a view to implementing the : principle of equality of men and ? women” Now, since this is 2015, : I'll give the IOC the benefit of : the doubt. It’s a good sentiment, : but it can be taken further. The : interests of equality can be better : served by having mixed-gender : programs instead of two based on : : gender. The separate-but-equal : model is a tradition that begins : in grade school. Kids have : opportunities to compete in all : sports, but only against other : competitors of their own sex. : Some would argue that this is : fair and proper because men and : women have differing physical : advantages and disadvantages, : and pitting them against one : another is unfair to the women. : | would argue that, regardless : of level, athletes should be : evaluated only by their event : stats and weight class. Then : they should be made to compete : on those bases alone. Look at : women’s boxing or wrestling and : tell me those Amazons of the ring : couldn’ face a man of similar size : and skill. It’s only since the 2012 : London Olympic Games that : : women participated fully in every : : sport on the program; 44 percent : : of the athletes that year were : women. Mixed relays in biathlon : and luge featured mixed-gender : teams at the Sochi Olympic : Games in 2014. Most equestrian : events allow non-gendered : competition. So what’s the catch? : : Perhaps we haven't embraced this : idea because separate-but-equal : Is a tradition of sorts. Then again, : the original Olympics were male- : only events, and that tradition : has long since passed. ees: ‘ Sports are a true meritocracy. : You achieve on the basis of skill, : no matter who you are. If you : dope or rely on friends in high : places to get ahead, you'll be : discovered and the public will : roast you alive. I can respect ee Image from Thinkstock : that. I think professional sport : can only gain more respect if they : restructure their leagues and : organize athletes according to : their skill exclusively.