July 2004 WORD- Angela Blattmann RCH TRAGICALLY HIP BOB AND DOUG LAKES FRANCAIS PORTAGE PELTS SALMON MOOSE BEAVER TUNDRA POUTINE LUMBERJACK TOUQUE GRATIS OP Wordsearcher HOCKEY GREENPEACE MAPLE SYRUP ADBUSTERS BLIZZARDS CANADARM TIM BITS INSULIN TOTEM POLE LACROSSE NIAGARA THE BAY GRIZZLY INUIT FORTYNINTH PARALLEL MUSK OX CANCON CAPTAIN CANUCK CBC NORTH BACON PRAIRIES TRIVIAL PURSUIT ZIPPER KIDS IN THE HALL DONALD SUTHERLAND NEIL YOUNG WILLIAM SHATNER AVRO ARROW EMILY CARR MOLSON GREEN GABLES MOUNTIE SPAN DOMmMerm DOC OOD 2 Sa Ow. x CoSsemr-AAMZHaHrrTVns>—-rr-s OO WEA > OAS Rea eK VOobe POCZ-AmMM-OVEmMAQOI4HNrK-UYSY MUMAYFZSSFUrKMHU ZO “i Ois'™ OP NOS 2 ws CF — TS OO We > Cm Cen Cm a ese Mt Arma uws zor y tes Os- <= ya A—Zxm—O vce COZ 0 O28 Oe = CHNHOSFAFOMMrvZAHUBSHrCBDHBWCS 2eEHECOO 22> OACa rm wo Sea PFOODAERKNA-CZ—YSHHHrUPD AO WA mE A Sam 2H > Om moe SS Cc 2 mx In ao eet GVO) = mS a Oe —-rmrocO-7-TS-MOYFWDSWIAeH Fra<~nroaorrNnZzecmarc2zom— +> ANOQOU<= ‘He must shave a planning 7 this mugging | For a great many years in advance, For when he descended upon me I was left with nary a chance. He was subtle and quick And as sly as a fox; With the size of a whale, And the strength of an ox. He’d planned his routine, He knew where I’d be, I had no room to run Thad no place to flee But he wasn’t mean Not even a dash. race ee We could have been buddys, _ On that some other day. _ Cause that bear’ : on the clock, Wilson We could have been pals We could have been chummny. But that’s not what happened, Which is really quite crummy. I should really have liked To sit down for a tea. But we met on bad terms, Which is too vie for me. OtherPress | | |