| with issues A plethora of senate concernees O.P. garbage Everytime I pick up a copy of the Other Press I .}am faced with the conflicts lof interest with the Stu- | dent Society, mainly against Scott Nelson (president) and Mike -|Bouchard (UT Rep). At _|first I get angry that there is such garbage printed but it finally leaves me more amused. I would hope that the $4.00 each semester from each stu- [dent toward the paper would be a_ paper filled more _ informative as of what the He was swimming I would like to bring your attention to the arti- [cle titled, “Election inter- ference charged” in_ the latest edition of the Other Press in hopes that I may clarify at least one aspect of the article. I can not say I was in class... In defence to the alloca- tions (sic) in the article || written in the last issue. of the Other Press, _ stating “Election interference charged”, I would like to defend myself, as I was not given the opportunity ‘| to do so earlier. Granted, I [was allowed an interview with the newspaper; the end result as in the past, [convicted me before I had '|a chance. As usual you are ‘Tguilty until proven inno- music/arts department are doing or how the sports teams are doing provin- cially. I realize that the student society would be mentioned in a paper but I'd hope that the Other Press and Student Society could work together posi- tively rather than the snide comments from a writer who won't even sign an article he wrote. Why is he/she hiding their identity? Concerning this election mishap (that I might add was iast month, couldn’t let it lie I suppose), I was accused along with another stu- dent of pushing votes (yet it ' as a yes/no vote, and for fact that Mike Bouchard was present. at the college at the time the “alleged irregularities” occured; however, I do know for certain that he has swimming at Canada Games Pool on Wednes- days between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. I would like to add that I was present during the con- cent in any article in the “Other Press”. Since I was down talking to the Other: Press for ten minutes, I find it hard to believe that the only thing worth quoting in my _ defence was the fact that I was not even present at the time of the alleged ““interfer- ence”. The entire article dealt with painting me guilty, with very little time allocated in the article for me to defend myself. I’m sure of my instructor can and will verify my attend- ance in his class, on the morning of the alterca- the student did vote privately how they felt), but there is mention of it in the article. This article full of empty. facts and leaves the reader miscon- strude (sic) of what actu- ally happened. can attend a Student Society meeting and see how things are run. I might add that the CRO was not very polite in his mannerism and if Scott Nelson did say what is quoted I could under- stand. Not afraid to sign: Jackie Klaren (UT Rep) versation between Mike and the CRO and there were in fact no threats made by mike; a_ loud voice, yes, but no threats. I hope this has _ helped clear up a few _ other “irregularities”. The you for your attention. A concerned student Kristine Chapman tion. Unfortunately the reputation of the Student Society was affected as a whole, and I find this very disturbing. Any _ students who wish to discuss this issue with me, can feel free to stop in at the Society office and leave their mame and_ phone number. I will be more than happy to explain the full details of the alleged event with anyone whom is concerned. Mike Bouchard Speaker of the House Anyone }. ae ALKiWy POLiTicg Vandalism outcry As I climb the stairs of Douglas College, a pride fills me from the inside. My school: well founded, good administration, ex- cellent instructors, a func- tional library, other stu- dents of different ages, looks, sizes, all wanting to better themselves, to grow. My home of knowl- edge, my _ institute to learn. ; In class the teacher lec- tures and I busily make notes. “Dismissed for coffee break,” says my in- structor. I quickly fold my books and hurry to the restroom. Tension has gripped me as I enter a cubical and sit upon the throne. Time to think about my notes, while nature unfolds. Looking around me I see Neanderthal inscriptions on the bathroom. walls; the writings of a 1980's graffiti artist or the work of sick minds. “The shit house poet has struck again”, “Piss over this line,” and “For a good time call...” Why I question? Why are these persons defacing my school? To what pur- pose? Are these adults, are they teenagers, are they human? They are Douglas Col- lege Vandalizers and you vandals are not appreciat- ed by me: a 27 year old mature student at Doug- las. Maturity is in receiv- ing good grades, not in becoming so immature as to mark up our school with ink. Stop it! Stop it, PLEASE! Wm. Joseph Toews The Other Press OPS Board of Directors Editorial Co-ordinator: Colin Turkington Chairperson: vacant Entertainment Co-ordinator; Richard Haines Member at Large: Cynthia Kilt Features Co-ordinator: Doug Finnerty Member at Large: vacant Classifieds Co-ordinator: vacant Staff Rep: Kirstin Shaw Sports Co-ordinator: vacant The Other Press is a democratically run, autono- Staff Rep: John McDonald Recruitment Co-ordinator: Karen Dhillon mous student newspaper, serving Douglas College Business Manager: ~ ‘Mark Roberts Graphics Co-ordinator; Chris Brown since 1976. It publishes 8 times a semester, every two ERORISISEIAC CO iBegin weeks, under the auspices of The Other Publications Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct student levy paid at registration, and through local advertis- ing. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press, and subscribes to it’s statement of principles. Other Press Staff -Production Co-ordinator: John McDonald Typesetter Co-ordinator: Jeff House Production Assistants: Rob Hancock Contributors John McDonald, - Kirstin. Shaw, Paul Pilon, Gerald Touwslager, Colin, Jackie Klaven, Shari Hobbs, lan Boothby. - Copy Editor: ‘News Co-ordinator: vacant vacant