the Other Press Dear Other Press: An interview of Angus M. Gunn about South Africa, published in - the last issue of the Other Press, is potentially a scoop for another Rushton of our own at UBC. I am surprised that nobody was aware that a- man who defies all authorities on South Africa actual- _ly teaches at UBC. How can some- one who contradicts.all authorities and completely ignores historical | realities be teaching at UBC? I | wonder if his book is as full of con- tradictions and incomplete infor- | mation as well? I don’t know what Mr.Gunn’s qualifications are, | however, he seems to con- tradict | every journalist including Donald Woods of the W fame, and all in- ternational organization including the United Nations. The only people I know that might agree with Mr.Gunn are bigots like Doug | Colins or whites who live in South | Africa. First of all, Mr. Gunn claims that blacks in South Africa had no problems until racism be- | came a global issue. He says that the real conflict in South Africa WORD PROCESSING SECRETARIES _- DICTA’s ACCOUNTING premium rates. needs BLUE JEAN JOBS Earn good pay. immediate work available. * Loading/unloading * Packaging * Stockroom work * Generalwharehouse * Light assembly ¢ Yard work/cleanup * Fold, wrap, staple * Staacking, sorting * General labour Short-term and long-term jobs now available for people with some ex- perience. KLIN SERVICES Burnaby/Surrey Vancouver Richmond North Vancouver Gunn: Smoking Gun was between the Boers and the Afrikaners and the blacks were neglected as a focus of global con- cern. The lack of global focus on the apartheid system does not mean that blacks were not being op- pressed by it. Why did the blacks storm a police station at Shar- peville? Was it because they had no problems or was it because they were fighting oppression? Mr. Gunn dismisses Winnie Mandela as a simple girl who was thrown into the limelight because of her husband’s name. Her ex- perience to fight for her husband and her struggle against the apart- heid system are apparently of no consequence. As for the token power non-whites have in govern- ment,it is worthless if the the majority of South Africans cannot vote. Gunn says that the ANC is a ter- rorist organization and a com- munist plot. However, the routine acts performe the ANC Freedom Charter a communist document. The Charter calls for equal rights for all who live in South Africa. Mr. LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT JOB? PERSONAL COMPUTER TYPISTS SWITCHBOARD DATA ENTRY Enjoy the challenge and variety of temporary work whe e your skills earn Interesting jobs with interesting companies - matched to fit your IMMEDIATE WORK AVAILABLE PEOPLE CONTACT Our Marketing Division has a variety of interesting short- and long-term jobs for people who like people. * Product samplers * Demonstrators * Trade show hostesses * Booth attendants * Survey takers * Mystery shoppers Add a little glamour to your life. Enjoy fun jobs and good pay rates while you benefit from your outgoing personality and people skills. 936-5055 669-1230 2762953 980-1202 Gunn says that the ANC has been outside the country for 25 years. He doesn’t count members who actual- ly live in South Africa. Yes they do exist. You have to prove to them that they are wrong. Mr. Gunn’s ar- gument against sanctions is very weak. An opinion piece on sanc- tions by Hardy Berger published in the previous issue of the Other Press was a stronger argument. Mr. Gunn argues that wealthy countries have overcome racial strife, so we should pour more money into South Africa. If wealthy countries like Canada and USA have not overcome racial problems, what makes us think that it would work in South Africa? The arguments used by Hardy Berger is the stand- ard line used by corporations be- cause it hurts them more than it hurts South Africa. Most international organiza- tions, including the United Nations and the Commonwealth, have called for comprehensive sanc- tions. Even the South African Con- gress of Trade Unions, repre- senting the majority of workers in South Africa, have called for sanc- tions to dismantle the apartheid system. The question is, would sanctions work? The answer is that they have worked. According to a UN report, US imports from South Africa fell by 48% and Britain’s fell by 20% in 1986. South Africa is suffering a huge outflow of foreign capital (15 billion Rand. during 1985-86) due divestment and its inability to borrow new loans on the international capital markets. Lack of borrowing facilities has meant a growing budget deficit as the cost of main- taining the apartheid system have spiralled. Defense spending was in- creased by 30% and police by 43% in the 1987 budget. The war in Namibia costs over $1 billion per annum. The total cost for running the apartheid machiner is calcu- lated at over 66 billion Rand per annum. In spite of attempts to stimulate the economy, growth is marginal and domestic investment is falling. The South African Hypocricy/Democracy There is nothing more upsetting than hypocrites hiding behind democracy. As someone who’s at- tended and reported on a lot of the DCSS meetings this semester, the "emergency" meeting last Thursday was a great theatrical joke.We heard a lot of lines about “obeying rules" and "“fairplay". It sounded funny coming from in- dividuals who'd been guilty count- less times of bending the rules themselves when it suited their pur- poses.Yoyo overspending? Langara’s interference with Douglas politics?? A conversation with Philip Link proved interest- ing."Langara’s equipment is open to anyone who wants to use it. We charge the same prices for everybody,a few weeks ago we did printing for the Emily Carr Society elections.Aias isn’t really well known within the Langara Student Society and I seriously doubt Lan- gara is in any way trying to inter- fere...I’m surprised at the $300- $400.00 figure ... Scott called me last Wednesday..." Ah, hiding the truth a bit, Scott? You also failed to inform me of the conversation you had with a certain provincial deputy CRO,Mr. Bob Patterson, something about "inexplicit rules in the DCSS constitution..." I wonder where all the concerned "undersigned" students in the peti- tion (besides rep members who had to be there) were during Thursday’s meeting?...or the AGM? Hmm...several impeachments, In- camera meetings, frustrated resig- nations,weeks of dragging staff contracts...using internal political pressure to threaten someone’s job...mudslinging...twisting the tules just a bit... gosh looks just like law-abiding democracy...if you squint your eyes. Harvinder Samra Microsoft Word Microsoft Quick C Microsoft Works Microsoft Excel Word Perfect 5.0 Store Hours: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Now stocks computer software at special student prices. Microsoft Windows/286 These pices for students and faculty only. 8:00am to 4:00pm Mon. to Fri. $125.00 $50.00 $125.00 $62.50 $125.00 $237.50 April 18, 1989 Reserve bank blames " uncertainty associated with the present process of political and social reform". Despite attempts by corporations and countries like Britain to under- mine them, sanctions in South Africa have worked enough to start the Namibia Peace process and other social reforms in South Africa. Sanctions have forced South African businessmen to talk to the ANC. Ther new leader of the ruling National Party has made statements that committed to con- stitutional reform giving every citizen a right to vote. I don’t think that these changes would have come about with pouring more