In “Romance Writing”, participants will learn practical writing skills, perserverance, and how to get started. Students will also learn to develop their characterizations, plots and dialogue. The instructor for this special program is Moyra Tarling, an author published in Britain, with a new work due for release this year. Both courses will be offered at the New Westminster campus of Douglas College on Saturday, March 7. “Writing Articles” begins at 9:30 a.m., runs for three hours and costs $20. “Romance Writing” also starts at 9:30, but runs for four hours and costs $25. BIG KILL-O-RAMA ART @, graffiti artists are capable of the transition from the street to the art gallery, but tradition has never stopped the Lower Mainland’s “12 Midnite”. Shon Franks, a.k.a. “12 Midnite”, is bringing his infamous street graffiti art to the Theatre Foyer Gallery at Douglas College this February and March. The show, “Big Kill-O-Rama Art” will feature |2 Midnite’s sometimes violent and stark images of modern life. The depictions are often brutal. The work “Patriotism” shows a stylized Statue of Liberty holding aloft a handgun instead of the familiar flame of justice. Other works show warplanes dropping lifeless humans instead of bombs. “| like to show violence in expressive ways, reducing it to the lowest common denominator,” says |2 Mid- ite. The showing at Douglas College runs from February 13 to March 13, and admission is free. MAD HATTER 3 |2 Midnite has presented several local gallery shows and is currently attend- ing Emily Carr College of Art and Design. He is also the lead singer for the band Young Adults. MANAGER OF B.C. FIRST PROJECT Doran McMullin, Manager of the Douglas Centre for Enterprise Development is pleased to announce the appointment of John Stanger as Manager of B.C. First Project. B.C. First is a unique project aimed at identifying opportunities for replacing products and services purchased outside the province with suppliers from within B.C. SSS John Stanger brings an extensive business history to the B.C. First Project, including his past positions as a director of trade development for the Government of British Columbia, a regional economic development commissioner and many years of owning and operating his own busi- ness. During the first several months of his appointment, Stanger will be con- facting purchasing officers of private and public corporations, in order to identify products and services which could be bought within the province. John Stanger, Manager of B.C. First Project