MAD HATTER PAGE 4 WOMEN'S CENTRE CO-ORDINATOR ROLE AND FUNCTION STATEMENT To identify and provide information about the college's programs and ser- vices to women students. To assist with the planning and an- alyzing of programs responsive to the female population. To assist women students to identify and evaluate their educational oppor- tunities. To co-ordinate a variety of on-campus programs and activities and to partici- pate in orientation. To maintain and research material for the Women's Centre. To co-ordinate the production of mt- erials for use in the Women's Centre and participate in the development of informational brochures, leaflets, etc., for use by women students. To identify actual and potential barriers to women's access to college programs and services. To provide information to the commun- ity with respect to access assistance to women. To maintain contact with appropriate community groups, professional organ- izations, government agencies, and women's organizations. For more information, contact Marian Exmann 521-4851, local 260. ATTENTION CONTRACT FACULTY The paydays for the Spring semester are as follows: Feb. 5/82 Mar. 1/82 Apr. 1/82 May 3/82 (or first working day after the end of your contract. )} Please advise payroll if you should like to: a) have your cheque mailed to your home b) pick it up at a Douglas College campus c) have it directly deposited into your bank account (forms avail- able in Payroll). NOTE: A few people were told that the first payday of the sem- ester was Feb. 1, sorry but due to shortage of time we ° have had to change it to Feb. 5/82. We are converting to the Bank of Commerce so that entails a lot of extra work. Sharon Conboy Payroll Department Local 233, McBride Site NOTICE Al Atkinson will be away from the College from January 24 to February 1 inclusive. During his absence Sherry Ladbrook will be Acting Director.