Editor of Mad Hatter. If you can find room in an upcoming issue of the Mad hatter, VOL, 56, No, 9 this issue of the Royal Bank of Canada Monthly Letter, I believe is worth reprinting. Provided of course people will take time to read it. Ron Tarves, Institutes. _ $$ $$$ + — rr HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL, SEPTEMBER 1975 A Wise Person's Opportunities OPPORTUNITY is a special arrangement of circumstances offering a person the chance to step in with ideas for something new, something better, something unique, It can show itself as a favourable occasion, time or place for learning or saying or doing a new thing. It offers a means of self-expression. We may with safety assume that nothing being done in any business or profession or government today is being done as well as it might be done. Anyone who doubts this should listen to the conversations going on at cocktail parties and coffee sessions and the speeches being madeat political rallies and community meetings. Superficial people remain indifferent spectators of events which, did they seize the opportunity to take part in them, might become the agents of their prosperity. It is a sad fact of life — but one that is serviceable to the ambitious person —that most people do not seek ideas or opportunities to put ideas into use. If everyone had the urge and the intelligence to seize opportunities, your task to excel would be much more difficult. A spirited mind will not be content to remain within itself, It will reach out for chances to prove its worth. In looking for and seizing opportunities we come alive, vitally aware of ourselves. We find great satisfaction in doing something beneficial that has not been attempted before, or has been attempted and given over, or only partly achieved. Having looked at the meaning of opportunity, it is well to decide what wisdom is. The wise person chooses and follows what contributes most certainly to his lasting happiness. He avoids shallow. judgments and irrelevant issues. Professor Alfred North White- head wrote: “It is the function of wisdom to act as a modifying agency on the intellectual ferment so as to produce a_ self-determined issue from the given conditions.” While it is true that people are wise only in things of which they have knowledge, information is not wisdom. Information should be used for thinking. Science and. study give us knowledge, but only philosophy can ‘give us wisdom, and so the person seeking to prepare for oppoftunity will find it valuable Ql to read books that contain a flavour of wisdom rather than only those that communicate a substance of knowledge. Opportunities do not arrive labelled with your name and accompanied by instructions for making use of them. An opportunity does not always present itself rounded out and complete. It is not a beautiful butterfly attracting admiring attention, but more frequently a larva which the ignorant crush underfoot and the indolent squirm away from. Opportunity is to be grasped when offered. A condemned man about to be hanged was given the usual opportunity to say a few words. “Not just now,” he said. As Francis Bacon said in his picturesque way: “Opportunity turneth a bald noddle after she hath presented her locks in front, and no hold taken.” Not-many opportunities are of the ‘‘sometime”’ sort, to be attended to when you get around to them. The credit for achievement goes to the person who does things, not to the person who first thought of them. A wise person will not despise an opportunity merely because it seems small. Write it down, make a note of the advantages it offers, and assess its poten- tials. They may expand under your close inspection. A person of small mind and limited imagination wastes time waiting for big opportunities: the success- ful person uses his time taking advantage of the little opportunities as they come along. He catches up trifles and makes something worthwhile out of them, finding in them the beginnings of great enterprises. The world is well stocked with people who enjoy knocking things down, but changing one small thing for the better is worth more in satisfaction of achieve- ment than proving a thousand things faulty. Opportunity in business Opportunity to improve their lives crowds upon people who wish to take advantage of it, but they are people who do not passively wait for Opportunity with a capital ‘“‘O” to come into their offices or workshops. They look around. They have the quality of discovering and utilizing previously undetected