COUNSELLING TECIINIQUES IN VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION (69-152-50) Study of the counselling process with special emphasis on its application to particular a diondinent 1 iBRARY responsibilities and challenges of vocatipmalal Ss ee = rehabilitation counselling. Um nasizes current ARCnivES working situations through case study presentu- tions and discussions. Possible utilization of video-Ltape play-back equipment. WHEN: Wednesdays, 7-10 p.m. February 20 to May 22, 1974 WHERE: New Westminster campus, Douglas College 8th Avenue & McBride Boulevard New Westminster, B.C. Room 110 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Michael Dansker br. Dansker has a Master's deqree in behabilatation Counselling frei the University of California at San Francisco and a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology from Slanford University. We has worked as a counsellor in a number of public settings, and in private practice. He is currently teaching and counselling at Douglas College. REGISTRATION FORM Ur. Mrs. Miss (Surname) (given names) Address: Phone: Home : Business: Employer (give name of agency): Your job title: Signature! Date: Please indicate course you wish to take: 1. MEDICAL ASPECTS OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION (697 15) 356) 2. COUNSELLING TECHNIQUES IN VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION (69-152-50) | | Have you attended Douglas Colleqe previously? /2.