September 19, 1985 PAGE 13 LES AUTRE FUNNIES —— a a ee a a ee a oO a oy os Sir Had To Léagn To CHE {iS VEGETABLES A LITTLE MoRE THOROUGHLY, Don K << of LA MANCHE z x Editorial. ~~ | However, it 7s heartening +o see " ‘These increases in tuition and Sata Qa With the province's unemployment , that the powers that be are | residence Fees, as well as meal : x= rate continuing to soar,these taking steps to alleviate the charges, should eliminate a good =~ buildings will no doubt be jom- | inevrt€able overcrowding. many students/ med come September, | Lk \TY ; S ceAe eM cil HEY YOU! Wanna join a student newspaper? Sure you do. wasted space eh? The Other Press: Room 1602 Meetings -Thursdays at noon Copy deadlines - Fridays Drop-ins - Anytime 3 B ] TA Dov Fue Ti (2-09-95) St Yes Comrade Gorbachev, I realize what Brian Mulroney said about Canada ff/ - not going along with it but allowing Canadian businesses to participate in it if they so choose, but his foreign policy people are’nt really sure if he’s mais, about joining Star Wars’ or embargoing South Africa.