baa 6 THE OTHER IERCPRESS ___ Wednesday dnesday April 11th, 1984 The Book says ard The Beak i is the Toth / DODGER BOWLEGS: Stuffs his pants with socks. Wears sunglasses to bed. Speaks with a Valley Girl accent due to severe brain damage and a hormone imbalance. Keeps. his liver at home in a jar. Favorite Pastimes: used condoms. Favorite Motto: | have three drinks,’ all color coded. One for me, and one for each side of my brain. MR. CROWING HEARTY: Has the ability to talk out of both sides of his mouth. Counteracts gravity by hanging from his suspenders. Wants to make it with Jane Fonda. Favorite. Motto: That’s the most sexist, remark that I’ve ever ‘heard from a fag -in my life. STALWART SIMPLETON: Was a _ Thalidimide baby. Has been cir- cumcised with a food processor. Is currently a member of the F.L.Q. Thinks Pierre Berton is a swell guy. Favorite Pastime: Slug Wrestling. Favorite Motto: |’d like to challenge quorum. SAINT VALENTINE’S DAY |= KID: Successfully managed to massacre every finger on his hands and every photo in the newspaper, with his Van Gogh renditions of art. Uses silicon base, lead spray to keep his hair in place, in case of Nuclear attack. Favorite Motto: Aaahhhhhhh! — ‘Howling at the| moon and making sausages out of MARE PALFREY: Voted biggest mammary glands by the 4-H club. Abuses herself to get sympathy. Checks herself into the Marines every weekend. Arrested for sexual- ly assaulting a German Shepherd. Favorite Pastimes: Turning down marriage proposals (and other pro- posals) from Other Press Staff members. Likes to run away to Ottawa as fast as she can. Favorite Motto: I’m never eoming back!" MUTE TENER: The autistic voice — on the newspaper. Favorite Motto: ’ DAMNED STILLBORN: Survived the test tube, the miscar- riage, and a frontal lobotomy perfor- med with an exacto knife. World renowned specialist on the mating habits of flounder. Has been on the staff too long.Becomes one with the floor, in the true Bhuddist sense, quite frequently. Favorite Motto: The male comes up and goes squirt all over. THE GOOSE:Kinsella might be one hell of a fella, but you’re not. Walks in ‘‘V’’ formation. Favorite Motto: Honk. The Recents of Malice THE PARSNIPS PROJECT: Drinks after-shave for the stone. Sleeps with a teddy bear that bites. Thinks the Big Bang Theory is a chapter in ROCKIN ROBIN: Is an LSD experi- ment. Has declared herself existen- tial and undefined. Gets off on buses. Thinks life is neat, but is afraid to breathe. Her parents wrap her lunch in road maps. Favorite Pastimes: Hiking, typeset- ting and dissection. Favorite Motto:You should have seen the blood. ‘Bacavee it fells me sof BWANA MAE F——-—: Androgen- ous to the tits. Writes for the O.P. with the same instrument she uses to remove boils. Possesses .calves most men envy and is a mean drunk. Works as a taste tester in a Urology lab. Buys fiberglass tam- pons. Favorite Motto: If you want to sleep with me, just sav so. FLAT-AS-A-BOARDY: Wears con- tact lens on his breasts. Recently learned to swallow. Favorite Motto: I’m just a white punk on dope. BUDDING FACE: Runs _ around! looking under men’s kilts. Dates girls with lisps and support hose. Wears psychedelic runners to pre-' tend he’s a hippie. — Favorite Pastime: Playing bagpipes. to hyperventilate. Favorite Motto: 1 only suck pus’ because it’s nutritious. LEANIN’ IAN: Discovered by scien- tists to be the first person to walk while in a coma. So twisted ‘he has to screw his clothes on. Plugs urinals. Favorite Pastime: Feeding pork to starving Jews. - : Favorite Motto: ‘‘Who is Little Sister and what is she ‘doing with my underwear.’’ CARL SLIP-SLIP-OF-THE-TONGUE Kisses. horribly. Has plaque on his teeth and furballs in his nostrils. Favorite Motto: Ever done it, in a - hanging chair? there the Book is all Tve ever known-— fore, oY eust be So! Live seen nothing that the Kama-Sutra. Tortures himself for enlightenment. Was arrested for imitating a Homo-Sapien. Favorite Motto: I’m using this 3-D model to represent the inner-self. TROLL PAGAN: Eats dead babies for breakfast and brushes his teeth with Brillo pads. Maybe someday.he will discover the joys of mind altering drugs and Webster’s Dictionary. Favorite Motto: I’m just a teenage pot roast in the cosmic microwave of life. EAR-NEST: Should have been: 20 | in, the 50’s. Goes to school on a scholarship from Brylcreem. Gets off on self-flagellation and does penance by coming to Douglas. Thinks Alligators grow on shirts: Beats up Hari Krishnas on street corners. Favorite Motto: Don’t call me Ernie. BUFFALO NICCKELS: Molests Boy Scouts in swimming pools. Cheated on her 1.Q. test. Performs bestial perversion on Dolphins for immoral porpoises. Favorite Motto: What can | say? My — pet rock rejected me! RANDY MCFILLIN: Has _ tread- marks on her tongue. Auditioned for the part of E.T. and got it. Dresses as Little Orphan Annie and. turns tricks on Davie St. Favorite Motto: Don’t call me Little Goodie Two Shoes! MELLOW MARTIN HEMORRHOID BAD M.F. Subscribes to the joke of the month club, consumes large amounts of Valium and Preparation H. Plans to have his nose flattened. Favorite Pastime: Pretending he’ s black. Favorite motto:‘’The impotence of being ernest.”’ eo tts