* ce y re 2 S aN Ls Ay VOLUME XII, NUMBER 8 ¢ INNOVATION ABSTRACTS aU: ee OE bale a eM SLC Azo aR ae NRO CNA ALON alg tke aN Ante a a eC LO WITH SUPPORT FROM THE W. K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION AND THE SID W. RICHARDSON FOUNDATION Motivating the Unmotivated Over the years, I’ve watched them collapse, falling hard into the vinyl seats of the faculty lounge, heard them grunt the “Oh, hell” and “damn” that came from the experience of working with students who wouldn't learn. I’ve listened to the long sighs of frustration and then the discussion of the “fact” that students are largely “unmotivated,” unwilling slugs taking up their time and best performance. And though I, too, have fallen into this occasional “locker room talk” about students, I find myself now regretting my ignorance. Over the past few years, | have tried to take time to get to know my students—-to talk honestly with them about who they are and what they want from me, the institutions where I have encountered them, and their education. They have taught me a great deal. I no longer believe that their motivation is the real issue regarding the ways many of them perform or fail to perform in my classrooms. Students have made it clear to me that they embody many sources of frustration regarding the learning process before I ever encounter them, frustrations that are difficult to set aside for 50 or 60 minutes at a time. And they carry in many problematic attitudes a’pout the nature of learning. They come from diverse back- grounds. Some arrive immediately after graduation from high school, but many others come to me after years of involvement in the work force. In general, today’s students are likely to be older than the stereotypical 18- or 19-year-old. They are likely to be apprehensive about traditional classrooms— paper and pencil work and “book learning” —and they are likely to perceive themselves as bein,z outsiders when they consider the teacher’s world—-my world. They are often uncomfortable with formality. They are often lacking study skills. And they are often strug- gling to work jobs, raise families, deal with financial responsibilities and limited funds, all while trying to better themselves by going to college. If all that isn’t enough, coming to coll.ege challenges their social identity and shakes their confidence; many of them come from worlds different from mine and have been shaped by experiences far different from what they face in college. When I think about all that is going on with them socially, psychologically, and eco- nomically, it is no surprise that many students do not see my classes as the pivotal point of their existence. Even knowing all the problems they carry with them, I always wanted to believe that my classes should be something they cherished and to which they would give themselves over. I wanted the best from students. If I could have had my way, they would have come to me as active learners, seeking assistance and insight at every opportunity. They would have thrived on academic challenge, and they would have challenged me to teach better than I have ever taught before. They would have questioned every aspect of their education and sought an understanding of the “how's” and “why’s” of the factors that touch their curious minds. Oh, what a wonderful experience that would be... but, let’s face it, that’s not what most students do. What a disappointment! How easy it is to blame them! And how easy it is to get frustrated...and how easy it is to fall into the belief that they are passive, uninvolved, apolitical airheads. How easy it is to assert that they shun responsibility, that they never question anything that relieves them of responsibility, and that they often drag other students down with them by using their social networks in the classroom to undermine the value of the lessons being presented to the potentially “good” students. How foolish I was to think | would not have to teach them how to learn! The fact is—as I had to learn the hard way—class- rooms don’t have to be deadly, and students who seem unmotivated don’t have to remain in the unmotivated stage for very long. Making a change required a great deal of soul-searching and rethinking on my part. And, most difficult to accept, it required that I accept some of the blame for what [—as a representative of the teach- ing profession—have been given in my students’ responses to me. I’ve learned that many of them don’t know that they have the right to ask for anything other than what they are given. For the most part, they are the products of years of experience in schools where they were essen- tially told to sit down, shut up, listen, and learn—an experience that taught them that the teacher is the source of all knowledge and that learning is something Ww dy EDB 348. Aus:tin. Texas 78712 THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR STAFF AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (NISOD) 9 Community Cullege Leadership Program, The University of Texas at Austin