DOUGLAS COLLEGE COMES OF AGE After several years of negotiating, I notice that there is a sign on the east side of the King George Highway south of the Fraser Highway, with an arrow pointing to Douglas College. As a matter of fact, there is more than an arrow, there is a little sign above the arrow that says "Douglas College". And we didn't even have to have a tiot: DA. rorter Changes to Class Schedules By direction of Principal's Council, changes to the class schedule after the last day to submit such changes may be made only by submission to the Admissions Office of a form for this purpose, signed by the Dean of Instriction. Forms for this purpose may be obtained through the Admissions Office. NOTICE 1. The Mad Hatter will now be printed weekly through- out the year,there will be no break during the summer months. 2, This is the last Wednesday , issue. From now on the deadline for submission to the Mad Hatter will be — Thursday noon and the paper will be distributed on Monday. You will receive your next copy of the Mad Hatter on Monday May 13, 1974..