What is Greativity? And How Do | Get Me Some? Melissa Beedle, Features Editor ou don’t have to be a writer, an artist, or a singer to want to be creative. You may just want to dress more fashionably, redecorate your apartment, or start your own company. Each one of these things requires creativ- ity and besides, what’s more fun than seeing something that you’ve created as a full expression of yourself? Before you stop reading out of fear that this article is too “inspirational” for your cynical liking, let me say, this isn’t a made-for-Oprah, overloaded article. I just think that sometimes what we need is a little hope and a big dose of inspiration. There’s enough shitty stuff going on in the world—from presidential elections, wars in Irag, and tsunamis—that some- times we just need to put the focus back on ourselves. So, back to my original question... The Webster dictionary’s definition for the word creafe is “to cause to come into exis- tence; bring into being; make; originate.” And according to Gail McMeekin, author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women, there are 12 secrets that most creative people have that anyone can use to, well, get creative. Here are three of McMeekin’s suggestions: Know that You are Creative According to McMeekin, “Creativity is January 12/2005 not just for ‘talented geniuses.’ Creativity is a tool we can all access and utilize. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never picked up a pen or can’t draw a straight line, or flunked out of music class, you have a creative self waiting to be awakened or amplified.” Why am I telling you this? Because for so long, I walked around thinking I could never be creative, could never be original, and could never write something that hadn’t been written before. I thought: what the heck do I have to say that hasnt already been said? And as a writer, these kinds of thoughts are poisonous. Anything that interests you has the potential of something waiting to be made. Having a mind and interest in life is all that’s needed. And that applies whether you’re searching for a better job or just wanting to have more fun. Take Time to Capture Your Ideas A few years back, a friend gave me a copy of The Artists Way by Julia Cameron, so I decided, what the heck, I would try out the 12-week program to see what it was worth. Each day Cameron asks that you write two pages in the morning, It does- n’t matter what you write about, whether you write about how you had a bad sleep because your roommate went out last night and forgot to turn off her alarm, or that you’re pissed off at your sister for stealing your favourite pair of jeans. The whole idea is that you'll get all the mun- dane needs/wants/dislikes out of your system and make room for something original that you want to explore. In my mind, it’s like taking a loofa sponge and scrubbing the edges of your feet. Out with the old and in with the new. If writing morning pages ain’t your thang, there’s always scrap booking, mak- ing collages, or writing an online blog. For some check out . It’s a cool place to start. inspiration, Follow What Interests You Or, as Joseph Campbell once said, follow your bliss. One day I was bored and had a huge pile of magazines I wanted to get tid of. So I set them on the table and decided to make a collage of all the things I wanted to do or see or try. It was actually kind of fun. I realized some of the things I wanted to try, the places I wanted to go, and what kinds of images appeal to me visually. Depending on what you’re interested in, there are also all kinds of different groups that meet up in the Vancouver area. These groups get together once or twice a month to discuss everything from books, politics, and spirituality to travel- ing, poetry, and being an entrepreneur. Meetup™ has more million members than a Visit for more info. And worldwide. get ready to be creative. You are not alone The Students’ Union’s Pride Collective provides resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students at the college. The Collective meets Thursdays at 3:00 in room 328 in the students’ union building at the New Westminster Campus. All lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered, questioning and allied students are welcome. Douglas ance Union Canadian Federation of Students Local 18 GUHEPPPeSS | 1S