Events Community Music School Suzuki Solo Recital Calendar. All events take place at the New Westminster Campus unless otherwise noted. 2pm, Performing Arts Theatre Clean Air Day June 7 Call Patti Romanko at local 5183 for more information on participating in the Clean Air Day Challenge Douglas College Graduation Ceremonies June 8 10:30am, 2:30pm and 6pm New Westminster Campus Gymnasium Student Union Annual Summer BBQ June 8 4pm-midnight Third floor, Student Union Building Community Music School Suzuki Group Concert June 11 2pm, Performing Arts Theatre Learning Centre wins Exemplary Program Award renee Learning Centre Services Coordinator Carla Elm (front) tutors a student in the New Westminster Campus Learning Centre. Innovation in student success has always been one of Douglas College’s strengths, and this trait was recently recognized when the College's Learning Centre won the Exemplary Program Award from the National Council on Student Development (NCSD). “The Learning Centre was chosen as an exemplary program of student services because it has been successful in helping a broad range of students from across the College to cope with learning difficulties that put their educational success in Briefly Systems baby boom Sue Alcock of Systems and Computing reports that “we recently found out that we have Jim Chliboyko, Shony Bar-Elan, Richard Lefaive and their wives all expecting babies this year. I thought it may be the only solution to our shortage of IT staff” We're wondering what they've put in their water cooler down in Systems..... Summer INside Watch for a combined July/ jeopardy,” says Student Development Dean Ted James. “The format of the Learning Centre at Douglas College has been copied or modelled at other institutions in BC.” The Learning Centre assists students in achieving academic success by providing help in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, studying, critical thinking and word processing. The goal of the Centre is to help students become effective, independent learners by providing the support they need to accomplish assignments on their own. August edition of the INside to arrive in your mailboxes in early August. Copy deadline is July 17. Love loves lottery April’s 60/40 lottery winner is Rosemary Love of Child, Family and Community Studies. Rosemary takes home $830.40 while student aid increases by $553.60. The ladies of leisure I's been a busy year for | retirees at Douglas College, and the month of June is The NCSD is affiliated with the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). The award is offered each year by NCSD and award winners are asked to present at the NCSD national conference in Florida where the winner receives the Terry O’Banion, Shared Journey Award. The Learning Centre was the winner for the Western Canada region, and the award includes a plaque and a certificate. no different. This month, the College is losing three of its valued employees as they retire to pursue a variety of activities. On Thursday June 15, 2:30-4pm in the Boardroom, the Registrar's Office will be hosting a retirement party for Georgina Stauffer (nee Ferguson) who is off to pursue a life of leisure, travel and grand-parenting! Everyone ts invited to join the Registrar’s Office for this occasion, as she has TelReg for College Employees Fall 2000 registration for College employees begins at 5:30pm on July 10th. To receive priority registration, please be sure you fit into one of the following categories: 1. If you artended classes in the Winter or Summer semester: Call Pat Tracey in the Office of the Registrar at local 5524 and identify yourself as a College employce planning to register for the Fall semester. 2. If you are a college employee with a student number and you did not attend classes in che Winter or Summer semester: Complete an Application for Re- Admission form to reactivate your student number. (Be sure to identify yourself as a College employee when reapplying.) 3.1f you are a College employee without a student number: Complete an Application for Admission form and return it to the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible. Be sure to identify yourself as a College employee when applying. If you are in doubt as to the fee exemptions you qualify for as a College employee, please check with the Personnel Office. Seeking College graduates We'd like to thank everyone who responded to our ¢-mail message requesting names of College graduates. So far we've received the names of over 25 graduates who are excellent representatives of the College and its programs. But it doesn’t end there! We want our list to grow, so please continue to send us the names and phone numbers of graduates, especially those who have developed successful careers, gone on to unique or high-profile positions and those who have provided a special service to their community. Consenting graduates may be profiled on our Web site, in press releases or in general articles about the College. We have found that our graduates are almost always happy to support their College while at the same time receiving recognition for the success they have attained. If you or your colleagues know of any graduates like these, please forward their names and phone numbers to Tracey Winters by sending an e-mail message to or by calling her at local 5325. You may also wish to give her phone number to people who come to mind. Any help you can give us in reaching people will be greatly appreciated. made many friends during her time at Douglas College. Ifyou would like to make a donation towards a farewell gift for Georgina, please contact Deb Jackson at local 5350 by June 7. On Wednesday June 21, 2- 4pm in the Douglas Room, Systems & Computing is having a “retirement bash” for Carole Nelson to celebrate her retirement. The entire College community is invited to join Systems & Computing in saying goodbye. To contribute towards a gift, offer your help or to signa journal for Carole (for those who can’t make it to the party), please contact Sue Alcock at local 5658. On Tuesday June 27, 2-4 pm, Continuing Education is hosting an Open House in their office, room 4100, to honour Phyllis Mitchell on her retirement. Phyllis has worked in Continuing Education since 1991. Anyone wishing to make a contribution towards a gift for Phyllis can contact Brenda Jack at local 5170 or Marg Zucht at local 5479 by June 15. Staff Moves Davinder Dhillon moves to the Switchboard Operator position and Janet Westwood moves from temporary to permanent as Clerk in Student Services. Diana Christie will be moving into the position of Assessment Officer, replacing Georgina Stauffer who is retiring this month. INside Douglas College is published by the Communications & Marketing Office the first Tuesday of each month. Submissions and story ideas are welcome; deadline is 10 working days before publication. Send text-only files to INside editor, CMO, Room 4700, New Westminster Campus; email to; or call 527-5325. Printed by the Douglas College Printshop.