| =——___ a, DOUGLAS COLLEGE | ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 5 eae people who have difficulty | Bursaries reading, writing, solving arithmetic | problems or just studying, ABE offers Two new bursaries are now available ;the courses and instruction needed to to Douglas College students. continue onto a college level educa- tion. Bursary for Part-Time Women Students "We've designed our program for A bursary fund has been established |adults," says course instructor Don to aid women students wishing to Radstaak. "It's not like school for enroll in part-time, short-term, or |kids because people in ABE learn what non-credit courses at Douglas Collegeais important to them." The award is based strictly on finan-+ cial ‘need, and covers tuition and Most of the courses in ABE are divided book costs only, to a maximum award |into three sections: basic, inter- of $75. Women students (of any age) |mediate and advanced. For example, who would like to apply for this ithe mathematics start with counting bursary should contact the Student and advance to introductory algebra | Finance Office for a bursary and geometry. application. "But you don't have to sit through Bursary for Mature Students ithe things you don't need," says Gillies Malnarich, another ABE | A bursary for mature (over age 25), ‘instructor at Douglas College. "We students at Douglas College, who always assess everyone to be sure are also single parents has been they're placed in the proper courses." established. Applicants must have | successfully completed at least one ‘Like most college courses, the ABE previous semester at the College, andprogram uses a series of 100, 200, must currently be enrolled in a mini-and 300 level classes for grading, mum of 9 credits, in any program. and although the 100 level courses | The bursary is awarded to financiallyare similar in structure to approxi- needy students who have been referredmately the grade five level, the to the Student Finance Officer by Similarity ends with this. college personnel. ("We study things that relate to the 1 Neither of these bursaries will be ilstudent's daily live," says Radstaak. advertised in the College calendar "For instance, the basic readers text |with our other awards as the funds ibook may be a basic driver's manual, are limited and the potential demand ‘except with easy to understand for awards such as these is high. wording." However, we would welcome referrals from staff, faculty and administratorsiSome students like Kelly Belfe of Burnaby find themselves taking several different level courses at the same : . time. She is currently enrolled ina Adult Basic Education 200 level math course but also takes 300 level reading and writing. Learn material you can use for your | grade 12 equivalency at Douglas i 7 ; ; une Clearsky from New Westminster College's Adult Basic Education (ape) 22 taking ai 160 level courses, mia |program. is hopeful she will be in her 300 ilevel courses after December when new