MAD HATTER PAGE 4 Education 569 - Education 590 - The Community College (3 units) This course deals with the development of the community college system, with particular emphasis upon British Columbia. Attention will be given to current issues. Instructors: Dr. Paul Gallagher: Principal of Capilano College and founding Director-General, Dawson College, Montreal, and Dr. John Dennison: Professor of Higher Education at the University of British Columbia Time: 8 a.m. to 10:10 a.m., July 5 - August 13 Current Developments in Higher Education (3 units) Contemporary issues in post-secondary education in Canada in general and British Columbia in particular. Instructor: Dr. John Dennison: Professor of Higher Education at the University of British Columbia Time: 10:25 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., July 5 - August 13. see eee ee eer ee ee Ses ee ee ee ee Be ee eee ee ee ee ee eB ee ee ee ee eee Se Note: Enrollment in all of these courses is open to students under- taking graduate programs at the University and to others interested in the current scene in higher education. The latter may enroll as special students with the consent of the Registrar. All enquiries should be directed to: Higher Education Division Department of Administrative, Adult and Higher Education The University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z5 (604) 228-6349