Page eight The Other Press Tuesday, December 9, 1980. Maple Ridge Campus ‘an obvious lack of commitment between student society and the students”’ by TOM SCHOENE WOLF The students’ council of Douglas College’s Maple Ridge campus said that the campus is being ‘‘system- atically squeezed out hy the administration and student society of Douglas College.’’ Lori Agasse, newly ap- pointed Maple Ridge repre- sentative, and Brett Valente, an active student on the campus, voiced concern over the future of the campus at last Monday’s multi-campus council meeting. Valente expressed a need for the Maple Ridge campus to have its own executive member (chairperson) on multicampus council. “‘Our own seat on multi- campus council would help eliminate the obvious lack of commitment that exists be- tween the student society and the students of Maple Ridge,”’ he said. Kevin Hallgate, student society president, said that under the present society constitution on executive po- An inside look at the four room college. sition on council for Maple Ridge is ‘‘not feasible.”’ For any campus to contain its own executive member there must be a minimum of 300 students enrolled at the campus. Until this require- mentis met, those campuse- es are considered to be a ‘satelite’ of the nearest major campus,”’ he said. Since Coquitlam is the nearest major campus to Maple Ridge, Coquitlam campuses chairperson, Tim Shein, and principal Ann Kitching, represent Maple Ridge at the student and administration level respect- ively. ““We are obviously not happy with this present set- up,’’ said Agasse. ‘‘We have only seen Tim Shein at the campus once since he was elected at the beginning of the semester. This is an example of our student reps lack of commitment.’’ Shein said that if the students of Maple Ridge request his presence at the campus he will ‘‘go and see them.’ We must remember that Maple Ridge is 22 miles from Coquitlam. I don’t really feel like going out there for no reason at all. Lorri as a student rep has a responsibility of voicing anv events, activities or prob. lems of Maple Ridge to me or any member of multi- campus. council,’’ Sheir said. Agasse and Valente said they want control over their own budget. Presently the student society receives $600 per semester in student fees from the Maple Ridge cam- pus. $125 is returned for the campus’ budget and the remaining amount is used & for pool facilities, a privilege of every Douglas College student. that pays student fees. ““We can appreciate the fact that the money is being spent on pools for the stu- dents.. The problem is that the majority of Maple Ridge students are mature stu- dents who cant use the pools because of the amount of time they have available. Due to awn odag vale wr@ SS Newessavy 46 AOR iia, | = ahve No TOONS, we rs res’ As the, lo as’ avs “s eo