(a) el iminate ate ful 1-time Homemaker Progr am, which has p laced approximately 40 perso oa year for the past two years ae the; 3s workforce. | re (e) eliminate an additional person i iteeaced) to work in the ‘development of new occupati ene Programs . In addition the Douglas Board js very much concerned over further reductions next year, should no further finderbe forthcoming, in view of the 1982 openin g of . stn y Permanent Campus. The building is sized f | y development ou je e fron its pre resent full time equiv ‘lent student popula we } sprornatety 1800, to a full-time equiva ent Student. Population approximately 2800 any 988-90. The pl anned introduction of - the Provinci al Dent tal Hygiene Program in September 2) alone wi be a a ‘ significant addition to College operations, and the need to operate the bui \ding itself must be provided for. ‘le have already provided your Ministry with ‘projections of — costs, and details of our estim tes will be included " Bie budget He ae es an red for the et ‘iscal year. We ask that you consider our present t in the light of ae inte nided devel opment ar p ia ue J a Kwantlen Coll aes proposes. to. ? (a) reduce academic. courses by 325 student — places (13 sections), ne Cb) teas e Bus iness Office | Training Peorety by 20 ) seats, (c) reduce Continuing Education staffing. (d) discontinue igh School fener at Langley, _(e) redirect part-time training funds. (Ff) eliminate program developnent funds. The Kwantlen Board is particularly concerned about the — eae population growth for the region as supported by