Febuary 3, 1993 Other Arts & Review Aladdin: come for the movie, stay for the plastic cup Aladdin was a supercalafragalisticexpialadocious show! This flick could easily be seen as being Disney’s first attempt at non-stereotypical female characterization (and you thought supercalafragalistic.. was a mouthful). Aladdin Famous Players Disney Productions Reviewed by: Brook Johnston - Although it was quite successful on this count, it must still be noted that while our heroine was not stereotypically demure and dependent she was amazingly thin and quite developed for a young maiden and her father looked remarkably white for an Arab sultan. The animation was spectacular and Robin Williams was ...himself... as a genie! The animated character of the genie was in fact developed directly from Williams’ own facial features. Need I say more? The evil rotten nasty magician dude’s sidekick parrot was also a definite highlight. But wait! I know you won't believe me but, one of the best ol s about the show was the iaddin-Genie cups they sold at a concession. I can’t rave enough about these things. Three bucks and you get what must be a large Coke in this awesome plastic Aladdin cup with a lid (which bears an unbelievably strong resemblance to the Genie) the Other Press 7 @ e Christmas Hamper A great big "Thank you" to all of those whose generosity made the families of six Douglas College students much happier this Christmas. Three hundred and sixty- seven dollars was collected overall. From these contributions, each family was given a $50 supermarket gift certificate and a box of chocolates. The remaining funds were that has an extra large, industrial strength straw popping out of the top of his head. And hey, I'd Ca ese used to purchase toys. From the Douglas Sw r th College families and the Student Society, things were have aterrrific 1993. manufactured by Fisher Price And hey I’d swear these things were manufactured by Fisher Price. They’re totally durable. You can bounce ‘em off the walls and they won't break things. They’re great insulators, good for cold drinks or hot drinks and the lid snaps on so tight they’d make perfect margarita shakers. Just pour in ice, lime juice, a little bit of tequila and some triple sec, pop on the lid and shake. I’m going back to the show for more. * THE FABULOUS > al In the Heart of Downtown Vancouver * Fully Air er 870 GRANVILLE MALL * 681-7838 An Evening of Blues, Gospel & Much Much More!! starring CLARENCE FOUNTAIN SUTURE CEO UV ALLS W AN and ‘The Triumphant Return of “Midnight t MARIA MULDAUR |&etg WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 3: PO UU} WORLD BEAT DANCE NIGHT '93 Il starring NGOMA & ALPHA DIALLO : . : with special guests TROPICAL BREEZE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4 « Doors 8:30 pm mp $2.00 OFF ADMISSION WITH THIS AD