FEBRUARY 9,.1983 PAGE 15 D-C-S:S. Constitution By-Law 12.2 - All new The Student Administrative Council of the Society may meet as a body in order to formulate policy and financial proposals for the “considera- tion of the Senate. By-Law 12.3 - All new A meeting of the Student Administrative Council of the Society may be called by the President at any time she/he deems necessary or shall be called, upon the receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the elected executives. By-Law 12.4 - All new The minutes of all meetings of the Student Administrative Council shall be ‘a majority of the currently filled Councils. By-Law 13.1 - Amended$ ANNUAL AND OTHER MEETINGS OF SOCIETY There shall be five (5) types of meetings of the Society, or part thereof: (1) Annual General Meeting of the Society as a whole. (2) Special General Meeting of the Society as a whole. (3) Senate meetings. (4) Student Representative Council Meetings. (5) Student Administrative Council. meetings. THE P. By-Law 13.35 - Amended By-Law 13.35 is renumbered to 13.4 and all the number hereinafter shall correspond to this change. By-Law 13.17 - deleted By-Law 13.18 - Amended 13.18 becomes 13.17 By-Lay13.19 - Deleted By-Law 13.19 is now 13.18 Amended By-Law 14.1 ELECTIONS Members elected to the Sen- ate shall hold office for one year commencing with the first day of the Fall semester. By-Law 14.2 - Amended Dates for elections and tfefer- enda, organization of polling laces and counting of ballots shall be scheduled and super- vised by a subcommittee of one member of the Society from each of the programs, and a Chief Returning Officer shall be appointed by the Sen- ate. This committee shall not hold elected positions on the Senate or any other elected position associated with the Society. By-Law 14.10 - Amended Campaigning for office in the Senate and for the Student Representative Council mem- bers, may commence no earlier than two weeks prior to the day scheduled for voting, but no person shall campaign for office until his/her nomin- ation papers have been filed. By-Law 14.15 - Amended Elections for Student Repre- sentative Council members and for the Member at Large (Maple Ridge) shall be held in the Fall semester. By-Law 14.17 - Amended The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by all members of the Society that are in good standing with the Society at the time of election. In order to vote, a member may be required to produce the neces- sary documentation of eligibil- ity. , Existing By-Laws 14.19 to be deleted. 14.18 & By-Law 14.18 - All new Student Representative Coun- cil members shall be elected by members of the Society who are in good standing at the time of elections. In order to vote, members may be re- quired to produce the neces- sary documentation of eligibi- lity. : By-Law 14.19 - All new The Student Representative Council members shall bevo- ted into power by the mem- bers of their respective pro- grams. By-Law 14.20 - All new The Speaker of the House shall be a member of the Stu- ‘ dent Representative Councils and shall be elected to her/his position as Speaker, by the members of the Student Rep- resentative Councils, only. By-Law 15.3 - Amended RESIGNATION OR. IM- PEACHMENT The impeachment of Student Representative Council mem- bers shall be carried out at a Special General Meeting. By-Law 15.4 - Amended Impeachment of members elected at large may be carried out at a Special General Meet- ing by a simply majority. By-Law 15.5 - Amended If an elected member of the Senate or of the Student Rep- resentative Council misses three (3) consecutive meetings without due cause, then that will be grounds for impeach- ment. By-Law 16.3 - Amended BY-ELECTIONS The Senate may resolve to hold By-elections to fill vacan- cies in any of the following po- sitions: President, Vice-Presi- dent, Secretary, Treasurer and the Member at Large (Maple Ridge). By-Law 16.4 - Deleted By-Law 19.2 EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS To be deleted. By-Law 20.1 - Amended RECORDS The minutes of the meetings of the Society and the Senate shall be kept in the Admini- strative office of the Society of Douglas College. By-Law 20.2 - Amended The following words to be de- leted: as well as at individual Student Campus Council offices. By-Law 24.3 - Amended Item (a) to read The Senate. NOTE: Copies of the existing Constitution will be available in the Student Society Busi- ness office room 2320 as of| Wednesday, February 9, _ 1983. These are available for comparison purposes if re- quested. =: a PRESIDENT. Candidates must be it ee This is to officially notify all DOUGLAS COLLEGE STUDENTS of the upcoming STUDENT SOCIETY BY-ELECTION. The By-Elec ic tion is behing held for the EXECUTIVE POSITION OF VICE- ig ELECTION VOTING will be held on ‘Monday February 14, 1983 NOMINATIONS close at 12 NOON on.FEBRUARY 4. > me 1983. registered students at Douglas College enroled in at least 1 (one) Credit Course, and have paid their Fees in full. A Candidate must be nominated by not less than five (5) * members in good standing (registered in at lea: Credi fA Course at Douglas College). ae ae ot * NOMINATION papers shall contain the NAME and STUDENT & NUMBER of the members nominated, along with the OFFICE for is / which the member is nominated. s NOTICE NOMINATION forms can be picked up at your Student Council 7 Office and will also be attached to the Election notice. FORMS MUST be sent to the STUDENT SOCIETY BUSINESS OFFICE on the Royal Site in New Westminster (Second floor, room#2320). The forms may also be sent through the inter-campus mail system. CAMPAIGNING may commence on THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1983, providing that the proper nomination papers have been filed =, | and received in the main business office on the Royal Site of Douglas College. Campaignin * Sunday Fahecacy 13, 1983 | A s an tae | . var “A< = 4 sa MT a ee >| ee »e Ae AA! “Al 4 g MUST cease at MIDNIGHT on For further information please call 520-5400 - local 2320. 3 Z,